
Hi all,

I'm trying to get a site back into a serviceable condition, it's running on Symphony 2.2 and utilises Subsection Manager in a few areas.

I'm trying to add a basic select box to a section, but when I try and save the section I get errors.

Even if I try and save the section without making any changes, I get an error from Subsection Manager:

explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given

/extensions/subsectionmanager/fields/field.subsectionmanager.php around line 243

243: if(inarray($field->get('id') . $elementmode, explode(',', $this->get('included_fields')))) {

I just want to get this cleared out now, so if anyone has any idea what this means, how I can fix it I'd hugely appreciate it.

Are you using a SSM version that is compatible with 2.2?

This is an inherited site; so it's 'as is' and was naturally working at some point, I haven't added in the Subsection Manager myself.

The site works fine (as does the subsection manager), I just can't make any changes to the section.

Apparently the Subsection Manager version is 1.1.1 if that helps!

Have you tried updating to SSM 2.1.2 locally which should be compatible with Symphony 2.2?

Gah, I can do that - I was hoping to avoid such an activity - it's a beast of a site… (best practice aside)

Thanks Nils, will give it a try!

Does beg the question how the site was built and is working in the first place if two aren't compatible though?

My guess is that Symphony has been updated while Subsection Manager has not.

Nope. It's all from the initial build - we were originally brought in to do an update. It's academic though I suppose, just seems odd to me!

I worry because we went through the whole update procedure already and ended up ditching SSM because it crapped out (there also ended up being so many other issues that we had to can it) - so I'm just worried that I'm gonna waste another couple of hours doing the same.

What do you get in the browser, when you add this just before the line mentioned in the error message:

var_dump($this->get('included_fields')); die();


Managed to get this sorted by issuing a few updates around the place, as suggested.

Now to fix the other issues!

Would you mind posting your fix?

I'm not 100% sure exactly what fixed it - but I updated the Subsection Manager, Symphony and the Select Box Link Field so it was all compatible with 2.2.1.

It could have been one of a few things unfortunately!

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