
I am struggling to figure out how to construct a field validation to limit the value input to one word.

This should be simple except that I haven’t been able figure out away to parse out the spaces or punctuation.

[A-Za-z]+ will work for vanilla English but leaves out a range of characters that make up word in the broader sense such as é, Ø, Ì, æ, û, ý, Ç — etc. It seems that I need to use a positive regex (this is what I want, not this is what I don’t want)

Any wisdom? If I have to I’ll settle for just ensuring spaces are caught, but I can’t even do that :-(

Does the following work?


@designermonkey Nope, it appears to be, functionally, the same as [A-Za-z]. It can cope with cafe not café. Or Çelik.

Ok. If you want to match words, whatever character, and only one word then try the following...


This matches beginning and end of string, with one or more character that isn't a space, so one single string.

Hope it helps.

PS, intrigued that the first didn't match. Back to the reading books for me on unicode then ;o)

@designermonkey Thanks! That did the business. I need re-read “Mastering Regular Expressions.”

I actually hate this one, but this is quite good at testing regular (perl) expressions and it's free, There's also a desktop (air) application.

Useful resource there Thomas, thanks.

I use Patterns on the Mac.

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