
I really have no idea how to troubleshoot this, but using the following route:




I get a 'page does not exist' error on the frontend. It seems to be receiving the :make portion as a page parameter.

Am I just misreading the extension documentation? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Not 100% sure sometimes I prefer to use the regex version; seems to work more consistently.

Also to be sure your redirect is working on your local; force a 301 redirect in the beginning then change it to a route - that way you can see what is being changed.

Hmm, well it works with a 301 redirect (I also switched to a regex version), so I guess the extension is doing something. However, routing is still not working.

Somehow I also need to remove the trailing slash from the URL. I have commented out that portion of Symphony's stock .htaccess and cleared my cache, but for some reason the URL Router still adds the slash to the end.

I have also looked briefly into URL Router's extension.driver.php, but any changes that I made did not seem to have any effect on the final URL, so I'm thinking it is something else that is adding the trailing slash.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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