
Hi all,

I don't have much experience with Symphony, but I've been tasked with solving a problem for a client.

Somehow, ckeditor has stopped appearing on their site - all they get is the plain-text editor. I need to restore ckeditor.

The site is running Symphony 2.3.1 and CKEditor 1.3. CKEditor is listed as installed and enabled in the extensions listing. Yet when editing content, all I can get is the plain-text editor.

I thought at first it was a compatibility issue, as suggested by this page, so I updated CKEditor to 1.4. However, that resulted in a 500 error, namely:

Fatal error: Class extension_ckeditor contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Extension::about) in /[site folder]/extensions/ckeditor/extension.driver.php on line 431

So, I don't know if I'm just configuring symphony wrong, or not installing the editor correctly, or what. Any help would be hugely appreciated!

Hi magnus

I'm pretty sure that if you're running Symphony 2.3.1 then the latest compatible version is ckEditor v1.3.3 (download it on github)

Once installed, I'd recommend checking all your section fields that they are correctly set to use ckeditor as the text formatter

Hi davjand, thanks for your help, but... still no luck.

The most recent version of ckeditor I can get to run on the site is 1.3.1. Anything later than that results in the error I described above.

I checked the 'text formatter' field on the main content section, and it's set to ckeditor. But when I go to edit it, all I get is the plain textarea.

So it seems like there's two things going on here: first, the version incompatibility, which, according to the docs, shouldn't be happening; and the apparent configuration error. I'm at a loss.

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