
I am trying to determine what the reflection field takes as a value in order to understand why it doesn't grab any values from the Parent Field.

Was intending to use them together to build a nice concatenated value for url structure of nested page names + the title of the entry on the end..

But I can't seem to get the reflection field to include a value from the Parent Field in the section entry.

Has anyone used these 2 extensions together in this way successfully before?

@moonoo2 haven't used them together; usually when I need a parent-child hierarchy I actually use a normal SBL Field, then I do the rest with the ninja technique & a datasource containing all the entries. Works pretty neat and you can have unlimited nesting without issues.

SBL to entries from same section?

yes exactly I do something like this (usually more complex cos I use multilingual but this is the simplified version. I have a 'pages' section with all the content and I use 3-4 level hierarchy I use this to generate my links. Note that the 'navigation' ds is something I built by outputting all the pages Titles & url-handles (I use separate handles to titles but you could use title/@handle

<xsl:template match="*[section/@handle='pages']/entry" mode='link'>
        <xsl:when test="parent/item">
            <xsl:apply-templates select='../../navigation/entry[@id=current()/parent/item/@id]' mode='link'/>
            <xsl:value-of select='$domain'/><xsl:text>/</xsl:text>

        <xsl:when test='url-handle/@handle = "home"'>
            <!-- home page do not append a handle -->
            <xsl:value-of select="url-handle/@handle"/>

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