
I've developed an INCOMPLETE extension called Google Search Datasource. It is based on the original idea and a few lines of code from the extension "gcse" (Google Custom Search) by Marcin Konicki (, but it uses the new Google API. I thought I'd just bring his work up to date with Symphony 2.3, but then realized I had no idea how his code worked because it seemed to be written for an earlier Symphony API. Being so new to Symphony, it was easier for me to start from scratch. Thanks for the idea, Martin!

Due to some more urgent priorities, I need to take a break from Symphony for a while, so I wanted to get it out there in as-is condition, just in case anyone wants to use the code in their project (including, of course, Martin, if he's still around). I do plan to finish this up when time permits, and in the meanwhile I'll be happy to discuss it, and to pull patches (in particular those that make this more functional!). I'll also consider adding anyone who wants to be a contributor. There's not much left to make this at least somewhat functional. I do intend to complete a complete release of this when time permits.

Please note: this extension depends on my other alpha-quality (I hope) extension, Blueprint Settings Neither are well documented, so it will take PHP knowledge to get any use out of them. I realize that this means that neither may be used until they are complete, but I wanted the community to at least have the option.

Thanks for reading!


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