
Hey Folks, just wanted to share my first completed site in symphony.

And also I want to say thanks alot for everyones help. I really really appreciate all the support given.

Looks great! Remember to submit it to the Symphony Showcase if you haven't already.

Not sure if you were going for a particular style, but I found it a bit disconcerting that some buttons/actions left the mouse cursor as the default, rather than changing to a pointer to indicate the item could be clicked. e.g. the staff photos, and the back button when closing the staff detail panel.

Also, the favicon is still the default Symphony install icon :)


"Managin Risk." in the header is missing the 'g' on the end of managing.

Thanks Guys, Appreciate it!

Henry, yeah I need to change the cursor style, it's weird without it for sure! I didn't know about the Showcase part, thanks!

David, thanks! I had to retype some stuff and I hate typing:)

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