9 March 2010

New#3: Frontend forms need events

The name attributes for the input field names for the update issue form was incorrect. They should be in the form of:

<input name="fields[field-name]" type="hidden" value="{$field-value}" />

Also, the selected value of the select field options was empty, which caused problems when trying to submit updates to an issue. Many of these fields require a value, since they are required fields. For the time being, I’ve hard-coded a hidden input field for the creator field, since I first wanted to get the form working before I figured out where this value should come from.

<input name="fields[creator]" type="hidden" value="68" />

To see the form in action, you can pull from the master branch of my fork.

Thanks, I think the input names were chosen when I tried using EventEx for the save-message event.

Please be reminded that the Save Message event also needs to update the associated issue. :-)

Be aware that the latest release of EventEx doesn’t work with 2.0.7.

Take a look at this thread if interested.

@phoque, I’ve figured out how to get Form Controls and Section Schemas to automatically build the Symphony admin interface with XSLT. So far, the Admin pages of my Form Builder ensemble are able to build entries lists, new entry forms and edit entry forms. I’m imitating the same data structure that you have in Bugaroo in order to test the ability of the front end forms to create, retrieve and update section entries with same field types that you are using. There are still issues with the Order Entry and Color Chooser fields, but those don’t impact your implementation.

The ensemble also demonstrates the ability to log in and log out of an admin area, but it is using Symphony authors rather than front end members. Once we have a working Members extension, we can adjust the application to use it instead for user authentication.

I’ve also tested out EventEx, and it should work well to edit and save entries to multiple sections. So, I believe I’m ready to start pulling in this functionality into Bugaroo. Let me know if this approach works for you.

Ah, I was wondering why you were always talking about Form Controls and Sections Schemas. Do you plan on creating the forms dynamically in order to add more Fields to Issues without having to update the Pages?

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