27 July 2011
Field Types

Closed#1: Symphony error in 2.0.7RC1 when submitting an empty

Steps to recreate this problem:

  1. Install Symphony 2.0.7RC1 and add the Date and Time field.
  2. Create a page with just this field that doesn’t pre-populate with today’s date.
  3. Create a new entry and save.

This is the error I get:

Symphony Fatal Database Error
Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
An error occurred while attempting to execute the following query
INSERT INTO `sym_entries_data_53` (``) VALUES ()
[/site/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.mysql.php:275] MySQL->__error();
[/site/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.mysql.php:219] MySQL->query();
[/site/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.entrymanager.php:147] MySQL->insert();
[/site/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.entry.php:201] EntryManager->edit();
[/site/symphony/content/content.publish.php:787] Entry->commit();
[/site/symphony/content/content.publish.php:29] contentPublish->__actionEdit();
[/site/symphony/content/content.publish.php:38] contentPublish->__switchboard();
[/site/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.administrationpage.php:70] contentPublish->action();
[/site/symphony/lib/core/class.administration.php:88] AdministrationPage->build();
[/site/symphony/lib/core/class.administration.php:204] Administration->__buildPage();
[/site/index.php:20] Administration->display();

I’ve managed to recreate this error on two separate sites.

This is intended behaviour. How should it work in your opinion?

Ah, I’m sorry, I was mislead by your statement that the “Date and Time field causes an error if empty when you submit an entry”. Thought of a Symphony error at the top of the screen for empty/missing field.

Should have read your bug report properly - it’s a bug then. The field is intended throw an error for empty fields though but this should just be a highlight of the empty field. Will have a look at it.

This should be fixed in the latest version.

This issue is closed.

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