27 July 2011
Field Types

Closed#2: Returns Symphony Warning when saving after editing a date

In Symphony 2.0.7RC1 if you edit any field in an entry that contains a Date and Time field you will get an error page stating: “Symphony Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()”.

Steps to recreate:

  1. Install Symphony 2.0.7RC1 and Date and Time field version 1.3.
  2. Create a section that contains a Date and Time field and a text area field.
  3. Create a new entry with a date and text.
  4. Either immediately edit and save changes or go back to section overview, select the entry, make changes and edit.

The result to editing the date field or the text area, either immediately or upon returning to the entry, is the error previously mentioned.

I’ve tried this on two installs of Symphony, both 2.0.7RC1, and received the same results. I have not tried other versions of Symphony.

I’ve attached the full error page.


Thanks for the report!

This should be fixed in the latest version.

This issue is closed.

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