public class EntryManager

class.entrymanager.php #19

The EntryManager is responsible for all Entry objects in Symphony. Entries are stored in the database in a cluster of tables. There is a parent entry row stored in tbl_entries and then each field's data is stored in a separate table, tbl_entries_data_{field_id}. Where Field ID is generated when the Section is saved. This Manager provides basic add, edit, delete and fetching methods for Entries.


static array __buildEntries(array $rows, integer $section_id, array $element_names)

Given an array of Entry data from tbl_entries and a section ID, return an array of Entry objects. For performance reasons, it's possible to pass an array of field handles via $element_names, so that only a subset of the section schema will be queried. This function currently only supports Entry from one section at a time.

  • $rows arrayAn array of Entry data from tbl_entries including the Entry ID, Entry section, the ID of the Author who created the Entry, and a Unix timestamp of creation

  • $section_id integerThe section ID of the entries in the $rows

  • $element_names arrayChoose whether to get data from a subset of fields or all fields in a section, by providing an array of field names. Defaults to null, which will load data from all fields in a section.


An array of Entry objects

static boolean add(Entry $entry)

Given an Entry object, iterate over all of the fields in that object an insert them into their relevant entry tables.

  • $entry EntryAn Entry object to insert into the database

static Entry create()

Creates a new Entry object using this class as the parent.

static boolean delete(array|integer $entries, integer $section_id)

Given an Entry ID, or an array of Entry ID's, delete all data associated with this Entry using a Field's entryDataCleanup() function, and then remove this Entry from tbl_entries. If the $entries all belong to the same section, passing $section_id will improve performance

  • $entries array|integerAn entry_id, or an array of entry id's to delete

  • $section_id integer(optional) If possible, the $section_id of the the $entries. This parameter should be left as null if the $entries array contains entry_id's for multiple sections.

static boolean edit(Entry $entry)

Update an existing Entry object given an Entry object

  • $entry EntryAn Entry object

static array fetch(integer|array $entry_id, integer $section_id, integer $limit, integer $start, string $where, string $joins, boolean $group, boolean $buildentries, array $element_names, boolean $enable_sort, boolean $records_only)

This function will return an array of Entry objects given an ID or an array of ID's. Do not provide $entry_id as an array if not specifying the $section_id. This function is commonly passed custom SQL statements through the $where and $join parameters that is generated by the fields of this section

  • $entry_id integer|arrayAn array of Entry ID's or an Entry ID to return

  • $section_id integerThe ID of the Section that these entries are contained in

  • $limit integerThe limit of entries to return

  • $start integerThe starting offset of the entries to return

  • $where stringAny custom WHERE clauses. The tbl_entries alias is e

  • $joins stringAny custom JOIN's

  • $group booleanWhether the entries need to be grouped by Entry ID or not

  • $records_only booleanIf this is set to true, an array of Entry objects will be returned without any basic pagination information. Defaults to false

  • $buildentries booleanWhether to return an array of entry ID's or Entry objects. Defaults to true, which will return Entry objects

  • $element_names arrayChoose whether to get data from a subset of fields or all fields in a section, by providing an array of field names. Defaults to null, which will load data from all fields in a section.

  • $enable_sort booleanDefaults to true, if false this function will not apply any sorting


If $buildentries is true, this function will return an array of Entry objects, otherwise it will return an associative array of Entry data from tbl_entries

static array fetchByPage(integer $page, integer $section_id, integer $entriesPerPage, string $where, string $joins, boolean $group, boolean $records_only, boolean $buildentries, array $element_names)

Returns an array of Entry objects, with some basic pagination given the number of Entry's to return and the current starting offset. This function in turn calls the fetch function that does alot of the heavy lifting. For instance, if there are 60 entries in a section and the pagination dictates that per page, 15 entries are to be returned, by passing 2 to the $page parameter you could return entries 15-30

  • $page integerThe page to return, defaults to 1

  • $section_id integerThe ID of the Section that these entries are contained in

  • $entriesPerPage integerThe number of entries to return per page.

  • $where stringAny custom WHERE clauses

  • $joins stringAny custom JOIN's

  • $group booleanWhether the entries need to be grouped by Entry ID or not

  • $records_only booleanIf this is set to true, an array of Entry objects will be returned without any basic pagination information. Defaults to false

  • $buildentries booleanWhether to return an array of entry ID's or Entry objects. Defaults to true, which will return Entry objects

  • $element_names arrayChoose whether to get data from a subset of fields or all fields in a section, by providing an array of field names. Defaults to null, which will load data from all fields in a section.


Either an array of Entry objects, or an associative array containing the total entries, the start position, the entries per page and the Entry objects

static integer fetchCount(integer $section_id, string $where, string $joins, boolean $group)

Return the count of the number of entries in a particular section.

  • $section_id integerThe ID of the Section where the Entries are to be counted

  • $where stringAny custom WHERE clauses

  • $joins stringAny custom JOIN's

  • $group booleanWhether the entries need to be grouped by Entry ID or not

static integer fetchEntrySectionID(integer $entry_id)

Given an Entry ID, return the Section ID that it belongs to

  • $entry_id integerThe ID of the Entry to return it's section


The Section ID for this Entry's section

static StdClass getFetchSorting()

Returns an object representation of the sorting for the EntryManager, with the field and direction provided

static void setFetchSorting(integer $field_id, string $direction)

Convenience function that will set sorting field and direction by calling setFetchSortingField() & setFetchSortingDirection()

  • $field_id integerThe ID of the Field that should be sorted on

  • $direction stringThe direction that entries should be sorted in, available options are RAND, ASC or DESC. Defaults to ASC

See Also
static void setFetchSortingDirection(string $direction)

Setter function for the default sorting direction of the Fetch function. Available options are RAND, ASC or DESC.

  • $direction stringThe direction that entries should be sorted in, available options are RAND, ASC or DESC.

static void setFetchSortingField(integer $field_id)

Sets the field to applying the sorting direction on when fetching entries

  • $field_id integerThe ID of the Field that should be sorted on

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