
Is this supposed to work?

<input name="send-email[body]" value="fields[message],fields[subject],fields[email],fields[name]" type="hidden" />

It's not working for me, though. :(

Could anybody, please, tell me what would be the correct syntax for including values of more than one field into the body of the e-mail?

Hi Nicolas,

The syntax looks fine to me, can you show me the complete form? And have you attached the event to your page?

Hi, Cremol, and thanks! Your assurance that the syntax should work made me do some experiments, and I found where I was wrong. In my actual code, I added a space after each comma.
Strange enough to me, but


works, and

value="fields[message], fields[subject], fields[email], fields[name]"

does not.
What's the trick?

Also, earlier, I tried to use variables, and concat to construct a more elaborate e-mail message and nothing worked.

Glad it works, but if you want more control over your emails and body markup you should definetly check out the email template manger extension. I use this for all my email notifications. Unfortunatly it's not compatible with symphony 2.3 yet

Unfortunatly it's not compatible with symphony 2.3 yet

There is a pending pull request from @petsagouris and @nils added some styling fixes in his development branch. It's not an official release, but works on 2.3.

Yep, I'll try and pull this into the main repo soon.

That would be great!

I took a look. There are quite a lot of (even functional) changes in @petsagouris' code, which must be evaluated. So it will take a while.

In the meantime you may checkout Nils' development branch, which contains all the fixes.

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