
I have to say that I like Silkscreen for the buttons but I can understand the need for larger fonts. Nevertheless, in this case I think the buttons should be redesigned from ground up. Now it looks like a fallback version that tries to imitate something that it’s not.

Bigger is better for accessibility and ease of clicking.

I agree with Nils. I think there are actually a handful of backend interface elements that could stand to be re-thought and updated for improved accessibility/usability and smoother workflow.

Not sure what the way forward should be. I know Nick Dunn has done some tinkering with re-skinning the backend via extension, but it would be nice to hear from the dev team whether they want these sorts of contributions, in what form, and to what extent.

My backend tinkerings are more experimental. They’re not intended to act as replacements for Symphony, more a proof of concept of the power of jQuery and CSS. In fact, the rationale behind was to skin Symphony to match an existing client system, to ease them into using a new CMS.

Here’s a vanilla example:

Custom backend

It should be said that I haven’t any intention of releasing this as a stable public extension. What I’ve done is on Github, but it’s just an experiment — I don’t think what I’ve done improves upon Symphony’s structural UI.

Now Symphony 2 is in a good stable place, I wonder whether the UI improvements would be more appropriate for version 3. A lot of extensions rely on known backend markup — the changing of which now would mean changing extensions.

How about starting a new thread for each UI component that deserves attention.

Why not use CSS gradient on buttons? It would be pretty nice. What do you think?

Some examples.


Hmm, needs more Web 2.0 ;-)

I will implement that on Neatify extension ..

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