
I’ve seen you already posted the bug report. This should be heard.

moonoo2, thanks for posting the bug report and using this extension. Good to hear that your client is happy with it.

I will fix it as soon as possible on Github and will change the text to Copy as you propose.

As an alternative I’ve made a Duplicate Entry extension. It provides a different UI choice, and gets around the problem of populating specific fields.

nickdunn, carsten.. either extension works really well and I do agree the save-as feature is more intuitive for users to grasp..

Does the duplicate entry default to not published? as this is a requirement.. also s there scope to create a preview this entry before putting it live? if a client wanted to see how it would look on the live site.. by using a temp url behind the scenes or something just to look a the live entry and ensure all text and images is sitting right?

cheers moonoo2

Does the duplicate entry default to not published? as this is a requirement.. also s there scope to create a preview this entry before putting it live?

Unfortunately not. These two extensions provide only the method of entry duplication, and not a publishing/staging workflow. For that I envision Entry Revisions to solve the problem, but for now this is still just an idea.

An interim solution would have to have a “Published” checkbox field in your entry. Your Data Source on the front-end would filter these by “Yes” so only published entries appeared on the public site. By tweaking this filter you could potentially allow for previews. I’ll start another thread since this is veering off-topic from the Populate Entry extension.

Does the duplicate entry default to not published? as this is a requirement..

The entry is only created after it is saved, and not immediately when one clicks “copy”. So, the entry will only appear on the website when it is saved and published is not unticked.

You could create a “secret” page where you allow unpublished entries to be previewed by authors. However, previews are not a part of Symphony.

@nickdunn: will check your extension out when I have time, wondering how you solved the the problem of getting around certain fields. Did you use Javascript or do you go into the database to do it?

@nickdunn: will check your extension out when I have time, wondering how you solved the the problem of getting around certain fields. Did you use Javascript or do you go into the database to do it?

JavaScript as proposed here. I change the form action attribute to trick Symphony into creating a new entry with the same data, rather than updating the existing one.

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