
You really don’t need to do anything to make Nick’s the primary repo. Just point the Downloads page to Nick’s repo and that’s all you really need to do. But in GitHub, the nickdunn repo will always show up as a fork of the tonyarnold repo.

If it’s important that the nickdunn repo show up on GitHub as primary, I think you’ll both have to delete the repositories from GitHub and start over. Nick should push his repo to GitHub first, then Tony can fork his repo from Nick’s. All the commits should be exactly the same, but GitHub will recognize the nickdunn repo as the primary repo.

… unless someone knows another way.

Yep think that should work, I’ll try it out later.

I deleted my Github repo, created a new one of the same name, and pushed my local repo back up. I’ve also added this to the Downloads page on this site.

Tony, as and when you get time could you take the appropriate steps on your Github repo, as to prevent confusion over which is which (since neither are forks of each other now!).

Done and done :) Thanks, Nick!

There’s an error in the getValuesFromXML() function.

The line saying
require_once(TOOLKIT . ‘/util.validators.php’);
should be
require(TOOLKIT . ‘/util.validators.php’);
otherwise the following if fails after the first run since $validators[‘URI’] is undefined. It took me several hours to figure out why only the first entry was generated right.

Thanks childen good spot. Updated to 0.3.1.

Would it be possible to use this field in for example the Articles Section (a defualt section in a blank install of Symphony) to get data from an XML file generated on the fly as a Page, containing a list of all Articles nested inside one another. With the nesting representing which Articles are sub articles of other Articles stored in this feild ?

To put the above another way: Create a Select Box which could be used to set an Article to be a sub Article of another via displaying an indented list of the pre existing Article/Site Structure (Tree).

If so could someone point me in the right direction to create the Template for the XML Page ? (I am new to Symphony and XML and Xpath, but have a lot of experience with XHTML and CSS and want to learn)

If their is a simpler way to achive what I seem to be reaching around the back of my head to achive (opposed to the blog style of site in the blank install of symphony the more conventional normal tree structured style of site) could someone point me in the right direction too please ?

Technically, yes. If articles are only nested one level deep, then you’d be better off using a native field: Select Box Link. Add one to your Articles section, name it “Parent” and set it to use the Title field from the Articles field as its reference.

When creating a new article you can select existing articles from this Parent drop down. The parent article ID and Title will then be available in your DS XML for this entry too.

Does that help?

nickdunn thanks for your reply, I’ve already tried that and got it to work but the effect that I am trying to achive is n-level deep navigation i.e. unlimited but being able to achive 3 or 4 level deep in a simpler way would be ok too.

Any ideas ?

Thanks, Asif.

Great extension. Customizable but easy to use (like Symphony). One thing, though.

The example dates_en.xml file provided lacks a root element, so the document isn’t well-formed, and SimpleXML throws an error when parsing it. Wrapping the two nodes in a root node fixes the problem.

Good spot. I’ll add this to the list!

XML Select Box updated to version 0.3.2 on 8th of May 2010

NOTE: For some reason, the Issue tracker for your extension wasn’t letting me submit. I’m using Safari on Mac. Today, it just wasn’t letting me submit this issue.

Here’s what I’m running across…

I’ve been getting the following error today. I’m using version 0.31.

Symphony Warning
Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
    /home/user/site/public_html/extensions/xml_selectbox/fields/field.xml_selectbox.php line 119

    114         $states = $this->getValuesFromXML();
    115         $selected = array();
    117         if(!is_array($data['value'])) $data['value'] = array($data['value']);
    119         foreach($states as $state){
    120             if (in_array($state['value'], $data['value'])) $selected[$state['value']] = $state['text'];
    121         }
    122         return $selected;
    123     }

Could this be an issue with the external feed not being available? I’m not seeing how the code is invalid in this extension. But, it give us that if the feed is timing out or not there? Am I on the right track?

Anyway, do you know how I can fix this?

How can you have a page on your own site as xml source without hardcoding it? Can you use the root param somehow? And can you make it to see admin page types?

XML Select Box updated to version 0.3.3 on 2nd of June 2010

  • Fixed the foreach() bug bzerangue was experiencing
  • Allow {$root} and {$workspace} in URLs

newnomad, this now supports the above two params in the URL string. To view admin page types I’m guessing you’ll need to enable Remote Login for an author, copy their token and pass this on the end of the URL (as you can with HTML Panel).


caching of the XML file is applied only when using a URL as the “XML Location”. Local XML files are not cached.

so root and workspace based feeds are still cached? In the scenario where local feeds are used, the only option is setting cache to 1, cannot disable cache by 0? Because it will cause latency in backend autoring.

so root and workspace based feeds are still cached

Definitely — all feed are treated equally ;-)

I don’t know why, but I originally set the cache timeout to a minimum of 1. I will investigate to see the effect of using a value of 0. If this enforces a “no cache” condition then I’ll make the field accept 0 as a minimum.

XML Select Box updated to version 0.3.4 on 7th of February 2011

Hi guys, I'm using this extension and I need to output the result as a param, but it's not working.

Here's my case:

  • I've got this xml that comes from the datasource "Colecao

  • ... and I want to set the field "Album" as a parameter, but it just returns:

    <ds-colecao-info />

Does anyone knows how to solve it?

Thanks a lot!

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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