
This extension seems not to be fully compatible with Symphony 2.0.7. Please report problems and bugs in the related issue tracker. Thanks!

Have done including full error log.

I’m on 2.0.6 and I seem to be encountering a long delay/load time for the entry admin either new or editing a previous entry when I have mediathek2 attahced to a field..

It’s as if the Mediathek is loading all the images.. is this normal? is there a way to not have mediathek load the images/disable the preview bit of the extension?

Mediathek updated to version 2.0.4 on 15th of January 2010

  • [fixed] Symphony 2.0.7 compatibility (thanks brendo)
  • [fixed] issues with sort order (thanks brendo)

@moonoo2: Mediathek shouldn’t load images as long as you havn’t integrated a preview image in your custom caption. Can you verify that it load images? How many entry do you have in your linked section?

There are about 40 entries in the link section and there is no preview image in custom caption.. just {imagename} and {imagefile}.. obviously when you expand the entry list with the plus sign.. you can see a thumb/small version of the image.. (this is the bit I thought might be causing a delay in page load time”)

This is great. It took me a while to figure out why I couldn’t attach images to a new article, it was because I was using the default “Images” section which has a section link back to “Articles”, so everything broke if I didn’t save the article first. Having removed the section link it’s awesome!

When you delete an entry in a section-linked section, the link is removed from the target as well. However when you delete an entry in a mediathek-linked section, the link is not removed until you edit the target entry. How feasible is it to tap into the deletion of an entry to update the links?

Not very well explained, sorry!

for a blog post, what would the best way to have inline images while using the JIT image manipulation extension? i’m making a site for a client and would prefer to NOT have him write any sort of “code”, but it almost seems inevitable that he will need to do so.

One way might be to have him insert simplified code, like <img src="my-image.jpg" /> and then use Allen’s ninja technique to replace them with full-on JIT-enabled code.

Mediathek offers a drag and drop functionality for selected items: If you either use Markdown or Textile dragged images will be inserted in the respective syntax. Otherwise the field inserts plain HTML.

As Craig suggested you could apply JIT image manipulation settings in your templates using Allen’s ninja technique. This way your client would not have “to code” anything.

thanks guys. i thought there was drop and drag functionality before, i guess i just didn’t really try it out again. i’ll take a look at allen’s post.

thanks for pointing me to allen’s ninja technique. i got a rough version of modifying the image without the user needing to modify any “code” in their post.

This should work as well:

<xsl:template match="body//*">
    <xsl:element name="{name()}">
        <xsl:apply-templates select="* | @* | text()"/>

<xsl:template match="body//@*">
    <xsl:attribute name="{name(.)}">
        <xsl:value-of select="."/>

<xsl:template match="@src" priority="1">
    <xsl:attribute name="src">
        <xsl:value-of select="concat($root, '/image/2/450/300/1', substring-after(., $workspace))"/>

ah, nice niels. ya, that did work. just need to make things more dynamic at this point…

Mediathek updated to version 2.0.5 on 8th of February 2010

Mediathek sort & drag & drop capabilities has gone after update. I think that problem is in mediathek.js line 205:


and line 222:


They should be swapped.

I haven’t been actively using Mediathek for a while myself but I will the next weeks and will look into this issue. Thanks for reporting, Grzegorz.

Nils, what have you been using instead? Or have you just not come across a need for it?

There just wasn’t the need for it.

But I’m working on a new personal website which will make use of it. Nevertheless I see the need to address a few usability issues when handling large numbers of images. My sister in law uses Mediathek for her private blog and handles lots of images with it and the extension gets quite useless if you have to scroll hundreds of images in a long list. As I mentioned in another thread I’d like to unify the interface of Mediathek and my Date and Time field – but this may take a while and we’ll have to see if Symphony 2.1 will reduce the need of a field like Mediathek.

Mediathek sort & drag & drop capabilities has gone after update

Which version are you using. I tried the latest code and everything seems to work just fine.

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