
And the section behaves as expected when I remove the Mediathek field an keep the entry revision field. So these two just don’t seem to play nicely with each other.

Just a quick note that development on this extension has stopped. The client requirement for it disappeared, and it became too complex to complete almost a year to the day since I first started the prototype. However a much more lightweight version has been released as Entry Versions.

What is the difference between the two?

Entry Revisions (now discontinued):

  • stored only the Entry object, no XML
  • stored everything in the database
  • attempted to add an approval workflow so that administrators would be able to publish but others now
  • attempted to allow any version to be the “published” version, not necessarily the latest version (thereby allowing for a kind of “drafts” setup)

Entry Versions (the new one):

  • stores both entry XML and a serialised Entry object. The former are appended to Data Source XML as a very efficient way of viewing content history, while the latter is used for swapping content in the backend form
  • stores everything as files on disk in /manifest/versions so technically old entry versions can be stored in source control should you wish
  • makes no attempt to add user levels or publishing approval workflow
  • makes no attempt to allow for “published” or “draft” states, it’s always the latest version of the entry that is visible to Data Sources

My attempts with Entry Revisions were to try and satisfy many requirements with something very generic. In the end it turned into a mess of logic, so it’s been simplified and re-factored into something immediately useful :-)

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