
FYI , it seems to work on 2.1.0, please update the compability list

FYI , it seems to work on 2.1.0, please update the compability list

Thanks, updated.

Works in 2.1.2 also :)

Great ext, btw. k.

Will update, thanks!

Huib, can you take a look at this post for me?

It's a specific use case involving this extension.



After adding to the extensions folder this isn't showing up in the extensions list for me. Is it compatible with 2.3 or is that the issue?


If you hang on to the Symphony 2.3.1 release, this extension ill be obsolete as params from the root will be a core feature. 2.3.1 is in beta at the moment.

This extension is not compatible with 2.3 as of now. Also, 2.3.1 will have the exact feature you're looking for built right into the core. :-)

Here's a use case which I'm unsure how to deal with!

index page with url_router installed. I have a required param of $entry on the index page so that DS returns nothing if there is no param in url.. this works fine... but now any url's that aren't live or don't exist just create a page with no content if I access them.

I thought solving this would need the Checkbox for redirect to 404 if not param exists... but alas, this renders the home page useless as it redirects the index page to the 404 page... bummer?

Would there be a special case for the index page to exclude it from the 404 redirect routine but allow url params that are non existent to redirect correctly?

This was my exact use case for developing this extension, and if you remove the required parameter it should work as expected.

You do then load all the entries on the homepage, but the conditionalizr can help you there.

Hope this helps.

Ahh Conditionalizr! thanks Huib. That was my concern with loading all DS entries so this should solve my dilema :)

This extension is not compatible with 2.3 as of now. Also, 2.3.1 will have the exact feature you're looking for built right into the core. :-)

is there a way to have pages fallback to the parent if a subpage does not exist? so that resolves to

is there a way to have pages fallback to the parent if a subpage does not exist? so that resolves to


I will give it a try: In terms of content display, you could do a {$subpage:$page} filter on your datasource (DS), which you use to display content entries. More info on DS filtering. Also datasource chaining would do the job, if you have more DSs for content display. This way you would show content under Together with using a proper canonical link tag to for these situations, it would be also reasonable in a way for search engines.

Also you could show some more general fallback info I asume by {$subpage:nope}, where nope you would have associated with this kind of general info entry.

If you are looking for some proper HTTP redirect from /page/subpage to /page, I don't have any direct tip for that in sleeve right now.

If you are looking for some proper HTTP redirect from /page/subpage to /page [...]

Page Headers could be used for that.

@DavidOliver Great, thanks!

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