
I’d prefer extensions to be on the right hand of the other stuff, making up an additional column. That is how I also understand carsten’s proposal.

Yeah, I thought the same but then it doesn’t fit on a page ;) Maybe that’s ok though…

You need bigger pages!

Fortunately, I have some here, and I would sell them to you for 1 Million Dollars.



Like this one:

Is this an exclusive functionality for the dev team?

This is nice. It would be nice to describe the param pool visually as well ( Maybe better left to another diagram?).

Is this an exclusive functionality for the dev team?

I just FTP’d the images.

It would be nice to describe the param pool visually as well

Yeah, I started to, but then realized it was probably a bit too complex for this overview diagram. It probably needs its own.


I just FTP’d the images.

Hmmm, OK…

I love your diagram anyway. Would be great to have it as PDF when it’s finsihed.

awesome indeed!
what application is it made with? plane old Illustrator, or some kind of omniplan?

Would be great to have it as PDF when it’s finsihed.

Yes, will certainly be available as a PNG, PDF, and SVG. Let me know any other formats that make sense.

what application is it made with?


Spot on! While I’ve been going through the documentation I’ve been writing things down and trying to draw line between things to understand their relationship. This helps a lot.

This is great!

Data Sources and XML look just like entries and sections. Since they do different things, it might be clearer to use different icons for each.

A lot of this is still really abstract. Even with charts, it’s hard to see how its all working. I think we still need a series of screencasts walking through a basic site build.

agree MrBlank.. building a demo blog or page with content from scratch would put things into perspective for new comers alike..

Picturing a brief intro to the CMS here.. with slidy diagrams like czheng has created interspersed with actual live screen grabs of build Datasources and sections.. mmm me like! like the paper cut outs demo used by google for google docs intro.. (without the paper cut-outs though!)

Data Sources and XML look just like entries and sections. Since they do different things, it might be clearer to use different icons for each.

I think that’s intentional. It demonstrates that a section and its fields are represented in an entry, and are then passed through Data Sources to XML. I like the Data Source as a container of entries. Reminds my of After Dark!

The tricky thing is fitting Events into the mix. They work both in the top-down direction of this diagram (manipulating the frontend in various ways) but they also provide a callback completing the loop — they are the gateway between a Page and Entries, allowing for inserting/updating of entry content. Therefore they would ideally be wedged between Pages and Entries, but with arrows in the opposite direction. Solve that one ;-)

I think we still need a series of screencasts walking through a basic site build.

Yeah, those are in the works too. Might not be ready right when the docs launch, but hopefully very soon afterward.

Solve that one ;-)

Hmm. This guy Nick Dunn usually solves the more difficult problems around here…

Yes, Nick should do it.


All who vote nick to slove it say Aye! :)


This is great stuff, Craig! Can’t wait to take a peek at what you’re up to with the new Symphony site.

Here’s an attempt to incorporate the latest feedback:

alt text

This’ll be it for a while… gotta get back to writing documentation ;)


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