
Exactly! I use it when developing rails applications. Section/Unit/Model/rSpec testing would be nice as well, but a description of the overall process would be a big push it too. When you said that, I figured it was a link to an actual implementation of cucumber for Symphony :)

hehe. Sorry about that. :-)

If we had cucumber for Symphony, who knows? There might be no going back to Rails, especially now that Nick's released the REST API. The happy developers around here work in Ruby on Rails. (The sad ones have to work with Drupal, Magento or Liferay, etc.) They find that cucumber is one of the best tools to build applications while managing client expectations, scope and requirements.

So, selling Symphony becomes difficult where we have a hard time classifying where it should fit in our workflow. For our agency, custom dev = Rails and off-the-shelf CMS = Drupal. It's a default based on habit and knowledge base. Because of the current momentum, it's difficult to change direction.

But I think people are starting to see the light here. We should be relaunching our site with Symphony very soon. :-)

A colleague just pointed out a PHP project that works similar to cucumber:

Edit: Sorry for going off-topic here. I've started another thread:

No problem!

Regarding the utility itself, is there a way to use PHP directly within a utility? I don't recall ever doing this, and I don't know offhand how to! It would certainly be easier (and cleaner) to generate a calendar with PHP than with XSLT.

Edit: Carson answered my question. A custom event would suffice! I understand the argument against using PHP like this, but ultimately generating the calendar would be easier, it would just be a matter of injecting the event XML into it, which may or may not be a performance issue, passing a huge (potentially) xml chunk into a function.

Edit #2: Depending on your need or the clients need for the calendar, it may be worth it just to integrate gCal events into it?

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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