
thank you very much for your explanation creativdeutchmen. I#d always thought posts ans comments are just not the type of deatasource, to cache, but now know I know it better.

So a trigger after submit a new entry, which cleanig the cache, is not suiteable.

when cache_first extension leaves experimetal state, I'd try to add this feauture there.

So a trigger after submit a new entry, which cleanig the cache, is not suiteable.

This kind of trigger is exactly what you'd need. Unfortunately that's what the bug is; entries submitted on the front end do not clear the cache.

@pat, I'll take a look at the extension, I need it myself and I assumed this was already built in.

edit I've taken a look at the extension I use for this, and it turns out andrr's fork does have this functionality built in and implemented a bit neater than brendos sulution: it only deletes the cache for datasources that load from the same section so that you only flush what's needed. So you might want to take a look at that.

@Pat and @creativedutchmen -

@brendo pulled in @andrr's fork dealing with flushing cache...

Try it out and if you don't mind, post here and let us know if it works.

Thanks, I'll take a look soon. Really exciting stuff I've hoped to be pulled for a long time!


I currently run into a little problem with Cacheable Datasource 2.10, Symphony 2.4

The extension adds several instances of the same Datasource to the final XML.

alt text

It is no severe bug, but the XML gets really big.

This is how it actually should look like:

alt text

If I continue adding more datasources, I am sure it will impact overall performance.

Tried to hunt the bug down, but unsuccessful for now ;) Any ideas?

@hcm, this is resolved in Symphony 2.5 release. I would recommend you to simply upgrade to 2.5.x , because it contains many other fixes and improvements.

Thank you juro. that fixed it ;) happy.jpg

Are there any plans to support cache mechanisms such as APC?

@rcg I was planning to add in memcached, but was pushed down priority for my client. I've got a version working using db cache instead of files. Not perfect but does a decently good job. Just need time to write drivers for the different cache drivers, comes and time at a bit of premium these days.

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