
Craig, I sent you a pull request for even more changes + cleanup. Have a look!

While working on this, we had an idea to push this extension even further: What do you guys think about completely changing the way of how the documentation is displayed? As I have mentioned before I love how the documenter enables me to put all the step-by-step information and reminders for my client right there in the backend, so we’re thinking of developing a kind of “guided mode” behavior:

  • adding the documentation as another column in the backend instead of the current overlay, so no fields are actually covered by it
  • a toggle button to switch modes (documentation / guide on and off)

Okay, so maybe this should evolve into a new extension instead of a change to this one, but I’d still be interested in feedback wether this might be of interest to anyone else (or if you think it’s problematic).

Or maybe this could be part of this extension after all and one could choose between an overlay or column display in the preferences.

Awesome, thanks Nils.

Documenter updated to version 0.9.9 beta on 23rd of July 2010

Have given the UI a bit of an overhaul. Much cleaner approach, but should be tested, for sure.

EDIT: Egh, Johanna, somehow I hadn’t seen your note above. Actually, this UI change I’ve made is along the lines of what you suggested: keeping the docs from overlaying the page. The rest of your idea dovetails with the tutorial mode idea I’d discussed earlier. We’ll have to look at implementing that too.

Great minds think alike, I suppose ;)

Cool. I really like the new UI.

I think, i’ve found a bug:

Documenter is not opening (in section entries list), when there are these dynamically added counts (XX->) to “select-box-linked” stuff. Tried to look for css conflicts and such, but can’t seem to find any.

Anyone is able to reproduce this misbehaviour, or am I “the lucky one”?

Otherwise - great extension. Except for text-formatter not working (CKEditor), but I can live with manually adding b’s and br’s. :)

B.reg. k.

Will try to look into this over the weekend. Thanks.

Czheng: + is there some limit for how many sections you can select, when creating documenter’s entry?

I (my client) have a huge site with lots of structured content, but documenter seems to save up to nine (or 8) related sections. It’s a bit annoying to duplicate instruction entries just to cover up all the repetitive stuff.

This issue may be linked with DB’s field length, but this is just a thought - haven’t checked this.


Yeah, maybe that’s it. Will take a look over the weekend.

Cheng, have You managed to look into this? I just need to know if I must write a pdf instruction sheets for my client, or we could get documenter to work.

Thanks anyway, komb

Finally had a chance to have a play with this today. Damn nifty little extension this.

Just one thing: unless I’m missing something (often the case) is there some way to hide the “Documentation” tab from Author users? In my current setup (Symphony 2.1.1 + Documenter 0.9.9) Authors can edit and create new documentation.

Yes there is, I just forgot :P

Will update soon.

Just found this extension now, super useful and very sexy. Cheers.

This is a really nice extension! Only thing I miss is MarkDown. Or is there a way to easily implement this?

Ignore my last comment. Looks like a typical RTFM for me :-P

(For those who also didn’t RTFM: it’s under system » preferences)

I had a strange issue where Documenter was showing the wrong documentation for certain sections. Looking where the error came from I stumbled on this code that caused it (line 102):

$items[] = $this->_Parent->Database->fetchRow(0, "
        d.title, d.content_formatted
        `sym_documentation` AS d
    WHERE REGEXP '{$page['id']}'
    LIMIT 1

The query uses a regular expression to check for the ID. This caused an error in my database because my ID’s are not in chronological order (don’t ask me why this is, it just is). The ID’s order is something like: 9,10,11,12,2,4,8,6,7,13. So when I wanted to have the documentation with ID=’2’ it halted at ID=’12’, because there is a number ‘2’ in ‘12’.

I fixed this by replacing REGEXP '{$page['id']}'

with: = '{$page['id']}'

and it works now. But what I was wondering, why was this check done with a regular expression in the first place? Is this a bug or a feature? Should I file this as an issue?

Hm. I’d have to look more closely. I think I remember having a reason for doing that, but who knows :P


Documenter doesn’t seem to work for me.

  1. I have created a Documentation Entry, selected the needed pages, but on that pages, when I click the HELP button nothing appears.
  2. In System->Preferences I chose the CKEditor as text formatter, but in Documenter Edit Section the editor toolbar doesn’t appear at Content field.
  3. Other external javascript (e.g. jquery from “order_entries”, “fancy_box” and “select_all_rows” extensions) doesn’t work anymore on pages that have Documenter enabled. This is sad :(

In the end I think there is a conflict between at least these extensions: documenter, order_entries and select_all_rows.

Update: There is for certain a conflict over here. fancy_box doesn’t work as well.

Nice extension, too bad for this issue.



Documenter updated to version 1.0RC1 on 1st of March 2011

@Komb I've not yet addressed your issue. My main concern here is just getting the extension working on 2.2. Your problem stems from the length limitation of the VARCHAR type, but from what I understand changing to TEXT results in significantly slower queries. Will have to think about how to handle this.

perhaps caching?

edit: i know that seems like an obvious suggestion, but i just today started using caching with symphony so i'm all ramped up on it. perhaps it would end up being more trouble than it's worth.

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