
Issue logged, I hope I have explained it well. Thank you, John.

github issue #10

This is the correct redirect rule that adds a parameter to the site root:

from: /^$/ to: parameter (delimiting for the from field and no delimiting for the to field)

Thank you for your help, John!

I am still curious about something: does the router allow dynamic parameters?

When you say dynamic parameters, what exactly do you mean?

A parameter output from a data source (ds-parameter), or any other parameter available to a page.

Not as such no.

Anything you pass into the URL, which can be from a DS can be routed to a fixed string, or copy of that original parameter using the standard regex $n syntax.

It's just standard regex or rails routing.

How we could do that, I don't really know to be honest, would it be worth putting in? I don't know. opens a discussion about it

Since the URL router modifies what page you're going to be using, it has to run way before your DSes are run. It would be impossible to create some sort of parameter loopback that lets you allow use DS output parameters in your routes.

You can still use those output parameters the way you were using them without URL router though, so there's no need for such a feature.

Or am I completely misunderstanding what you're after?

I've noticed in the default example included with the extension that the parent page is passed a parameter. I would like to do something similar but whenever I pass a parameter to the parent page in the url I am redirected to a Not found page. categories/:category/articles/:article-title

Then I would like to re-route to categories/:category/:article-title

But since the first url doesn't work nor will the re-route do.

Anybody could help me with this puzzle?

Which is the actual real URL that resolves on the front-end currently (before any redirects)

The actual url is categories/articles/:article-title

I would like however to pass a $category parameter to the url as well in order to show to which category the article belongs.

I have a similar structure for keywords categories/keywords/:keyword but I would like again to pass a $category parameter so that I could show only those keywords that are linked to a certain category.

Hmm, I'm not understanding what you want here...

Is /categories/:category/:article-title an actual page in Symphony?

If you have a setup I could login to, I can have a look for you?

email me at: john at designermonkey dot co dot uk

I'd like to redirect from a page team to a page anmeldung as soon as team doesn't have any additional URL parameters set. I got the router to match the needed from path using /team?\/$/ but I'm running into a problem with the redirection: it doesn't redirect based on Symphony's document root but based on the server root (I tried either anmeldung or /anmeldung/ without success). So when my from URL is http://localhost/ I get redirected to http://localhost/anmeldung/ – but I'd like to end at http://localhost/

How do I have to set up my to URL to make this work?
Thanks for your help!

Does this work?

From: /\/team/(.+)\//     To: /team/$1/
From: /\/team\//          To: /anmeldung/

The more specific the URL, higher in the tree.

No, this will still redirect to http://localhost/anmeldung/ instead of http://localhost/

Very weird.

Nils can you log it as a bug. I'm sure I've looked at this before, but maybe it slipped through.

Also, log the version numbers you're using, Ta.

It might be messed up permissions on my particular Symphony 2.3 installation here, but I can’t for the life of me get this extension (2.0.1, though readme says 1.3) working. I tried on two different 2.3 installations, the activation works fine, but I get no options in my preferences and no other options in any navgroups either. Am I missing something very obvious again? :)

Can you file an issue please, I think I know what that is already, but it will remind me to fix it.

Will do, thanks!

EDIT: done :)

@davidhund had an issue with redirecting using a query string... Any clue if this was resolved for the latest version? as I tested with 1.3 for Symphony 2.2.5 the issue is still there not sure if anyone made a fix?

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