
We’re now testing Symphony 2.0.8 Release Candidate 1. This is a bugfix and stability release, intended to become the final, stable version of the 2.0 branch. So we need it to be rock-solid. Here’s how you can help:

  • Please grab it and test it.
  • Post any and all bugs to the issue tracker
  • If you’re a developer, please update your extensions.

Could you post a zip package, please? I don’t have git here..

Zip Attached. No default workspace.


Where are the extensions? :-)

Replaced. Try that.

the git download doesn’t have any extensions either, only the folders

@wtdtan: the Git downloads are automatically generated by GitHub and they don’t include submodules. We don’t recommend downloading Symphony via GitHub and it’s best to either clone using git commands or download from the Symphony website.

I’m using 2.0.8RC1 for my personal site as of yesterday - The way I figure it, some real-world usage is likely to turn up issues far quicker than just doing private development work with the release candidates, and my personal site isn’t really mission critical to my business.

So far, really good. There are a few extensions that I’d like to make compatible (CacheLite being the main one), but I didn’t strike any major dramas and everything is smooth and fast from what I can see.

Fantastic work, guys!

thanks allen, good to know.

There are a few extensions that I’d like to make compatible (CacheLite being the main one)

If you spot any incompatibilities then by all means log an issue on that extension’s issue tracker and poke the developer in whatever means possible (Twitter/Github/forum discussion) so we can get them working.

(Looking forward to the day when the Symphony issue tracker sends notification emails!)

There are a few extensions that I’d like to make compatible (CacheLite being the main one)

Yo—just spotted the issue you posted, a response awaits you.

I just switched to 2.0.8RC1 and happy to report that it fixed a bunch of minor problems I had under 2.0.7. No problems so far, thanks for the hard work all.

I want to switch from 2.0.7 to 2.0.8RC1 but I’m having trouble “gitting” it. My 2.0.7 repo says that it is up to date. Can I git-pull 2.0.8 into it? If so, how?

@wisolman - in the root directory of your symphony site, run the following…

git pull origin integration

Also, this thread might be of help to you as well.

How close are we to a 2.0.8RC2?

@bzerangue - I did what you suggested and it worked. Thanks.

I had already read the thread you suggested but when I went back and read it again it seemed to make more sense. I had changed, not the thread.

@nickdunn: Today’s update on Symphony 2 addresses your question I hope.

It does, ta.

Symphony 2.0.8RC2. Boo yah!

The ‘Download a Zip’ link is broken on the blog page.

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