
Hi Stuart, this error is not an Email Newsletters error, but an Email Newsletter Manager error. So I suppose that your are talking about the latter, right?

Oh. No, this is definitely Email Newsletters, though I do have ENM installed on the machine but not yet working.

In fact, I just tried disabling ENM and the problem (with Email Newsletters) goes away.

I must confess that this is the installation on which I tried to install the dev copy of ENM which you shared with me in October. I have since removed it (I think) and installed ENM 1.0 but perhaps there are relics which cause this problem.

If you have any suggestions of something I might not have removed, then I'd be very grateful. Its my fault for badgering you though, so I should probably clean this one up!

So the problem only occurs when ENM is enabled? This might explain why ENM (!) throws an error. My first guess is: We have a problem attempting to start the backgroud process for both extensions at the same time (because of a naming clash). ENM then breaks and throws an error, cause it's missing configuration (and runtime parameters which should be passed by an ENM field).

If I am right, this should not be hard to fix. But I won't find the time today to look into it, so would you please post this as an ENM issue on GitHub? (Please link to this thread.)

Have logged it in Github

Thanks. Will look into it ASAP.

Fixed. Please pull from @creativedutchmen's repo.

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