
Just a quickie. Rather than editing the IPN event in your extension, and thus rendering it useless for more general IPN updates, can I just copy the event file to my workspace/events directory, rename it and then use that event independently from the extension? Will it work stand-alone?

Thanks again. S

Almost. You'll just need to remove the references to $this->_driver in the __construct() function, and potentially hardcode the _build_paypay_url() instead.

Hi Max. I have a discussion going re triggering emails from within the IPN event. Would you please be able to take a look and confirm if the XML example I have given is correct.


Thanks again.

Yup, looks fine to me.

Hi again. Sorry to keep banging on, but...

I have the IPN loop running on a live site and its working 90% of the time, but sometimes even though the section entry is updated with the payment status when an IPN notification is received, no entry is made into the log. So the result is that I have more purchases in my competitor section than I have entries in the Paypal log.

So I'm not sure of this is a bug, but the fact that the section update is working would imply that it might be.

Strange. I added a check in the last release to only delete entries from the log when the transaction id (txn_id) and the payment status (payment_status) are the same. This is to get try and mitigate PayPal's behaviour of sending the IPN multiple times to ensure it is received.

That's the only thing I can think of that would cause this odd behaviour. If you comment out the deletion query does it fix things? You should only need to comment the block from line 255-260 of event.paypal_payments_ipn.php.

Have done that, will let you know how I get on as entries come through.

Hi Guys;

Currently using Paypal Payments in sandbox mode with a site running on maintenance mode prior to going public. I'd like to make a minor comment sandbox seems fine except that I always seem to be missing the cmd item in the get when i try to pass payment (attaching this manually) not sure if there's anything about sandbox and it will be fine on live.

Secondly since I am running maintance mode I attached the IPN event to the maintenance page which is recieving IPN details as well so it looks fine.

I'd just like to know if it would be possible to confirm orders on payment. Changing some values in the order section itself (without having to manually set it every time). I've been using symphony for around 3months so I am not that much of an expert.

On phone, sorry for terseness.

You should be able to change the value of entry data using the IPN event. As the README states, you can override any value in the entry as long as the name exactly matches the field returned by PayPal. In this case you'd want to use the payment_status field as returned by PayPal.

I can't remember the exact values that field returns, but you'll need to match the returned value with the expected value if you want it to work (say if you were using a select box for the staus).

That's great just tested it out didn't expect such a quick reply. Really appreciate your help. This is one great plugin did not think it would be so simple to use and implement, got a list of statuses from paypal and chucked them into a select box as you suggested.

Much more flexible then I thought as it would automatically disable the item in question should the payment fail or be revoked.

Awesome. Glad you got it working.

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