
My stance is that we should, for now, let it go and concentrate on making Symphony more awesome.

I agree with Alistair.

Maybe we should try again, no?

Don’t think so. Not until Symphony’s gotten significant third-party coverage. There aren’t a whole lot of people out there talking about and writing about Symphony. Until that happens, it’ll be next to impossible to get the entry to stick, especially since it’s already been deleted twice.

10 months later… - let’s bring this old thing up again.

I was really shocked to see that there is no wikipedia entry for symphony. I think Symphony has grown a lot lately and also I’ve heard it has won a price just recently. Also a book about it is already in progress. How about we start an article somewhere else than wikipedia and let it mature under the lead of bauhouse before we post it to wikipedia.

Unfortunately the argument still stands from Wikipedia:

demonstrate that there is any significant coverage of the product in reliable sources that are independent of it

Unfortunately one of the core developers writing a book on the subject isn’t really independent coverage, and nor is winning a prize we nominated ourselves for in the first place. Notoriety and reliable coverage stems from actual news sites rather than blogs.

The fact that other CMS have pages doesn’t seem to make much difference:

Note that “other stuff exists” is not a valid keep argument. If other articles have similar problems, then they will be dealt with in due time

What strikes me as odd is something like Django’s page has sources that link only either to Django’s own site (or derivatives) or publisher’s sites about Django books. There’s little independent there.

I should add that other projects such as Frog CMS look like they have similar problems:

How about we start an article somewhere else than wikipedia and let it mature under the lead of bauhouse before we post it to wikipedia

Absolutely agree! I’ve created a Gist that everyone (with a Github account) can edit.

Thanks for setting up the Gist, Nick. Does anyone have a copy of the old version of our Wikipedia entry that we can use as a starting point? Or can we distill some basic information from this site?

Here’s my fork of Nick’s gist.

Allen, could you provide some history for us? Just a summary of what you presented at the Symposium should suffice.

@ciryx said on 27 oct 2010:

10 months later… - let’s bring this old thing up again.

So, another 10 months later, once again it's time to revive this thread :)

The problem is that Symphony doesn't appear on Wikipedia due to some independent and objective reasons regarding how significant and notable this CMS is and it's not so significant coverage of reliable and independent sources.

@nick said

I should add that other projects such as Frog CMS look like they have similar problems:

Well, they fixed Frog CMS. It now appears on Wikipedia.

Perhaps it's time to have a look again on @bauhouse's draft article?

Also, I cobbled together a Stack Overflow tag info page a couple of months ago using text from the Symphony site and some links. Maybe some will want to improve it.

If we were to use my draft article, we would, sadly, need to remove the reference to publications. I think I like your version better, David. If Symphony is recognized as the open source application of the year by .net magazine, that should be significant and notable. Everyone tell your friends and vote. :-)

I wrote a small, independent article about various Symphony features, with a secondary goal of helping with this cause.

Could it be used as a reference?

5 Neat things about Symphony CMS

You're not impartial enough, plus it's on the internet, which makes it full of lies and horseshit according to Wikipedia.

By the way, it's been more than two years since the article was deleted.

But... but I'm totally impartial! :( Is there anywhere else, apart from this thread, where we can keep track of independent coverage etc?

Found another possible reference:

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