
Configuration Settings updated to version 1.3.1 on 10th of February 2011

Configuration Settings updated to version 1.3.2 on 10th of February 2011

Configuration Settings updated to version 1.3.3 on 11th of February 2011

He’s on fire! Someone stop him!

Nick, I’d say you’re on fire. I’m just putting out little fires of my own making.

Sorry for all the little updates. I should have combined all the changes into a single release. I’m just finding out what I’m doing wrong as I go.

I neglected to follow the guidelines for removing deprecated accessors. Then, when I got a pull request for a translation, I realized I didn’t have the extension set up properly for localization. And, since I seem to have created an extension that people are actually using, I should make sure that I’m following Symphony interface conventions.

I’m still not sure about the string manipulations I did on the fieldset legends and field labels. It’s a short-coming of the configuration settings that the setting groups and setting names cannot be localized or rendered as titles, since the titles are not in the array. So, I’m replacing underscores with spaces and changing some characters to uppercase as I dynamically build the edit form legend and label elements.

Let me know if the new format works.


All fine here. Keep up the good work :)

Timezone field could be select box, right? PHP can generate values for it I think.

Works for me on 2.2RC2. I like the new format!

@miika, the Configuration Settings extension is meant to be a more convenient way to view and edit the config.php file within the Symphony admin. The form is built dynamically, based on the data that already exists in the config.php file. So, modifying the input field types based on the data type is something that I hadn’t considered.

To accommodate the ability to modify configuration settings for installed extensions, it’s probably better to maintain the current set up than to add logic to modify the field types. Or would it be better to use the same field types as those used for the install process for this extension?

Configuration Settings updated to version 1.3.4 on 5th of November 2011

Configuration Settings updated to version 1.3.5 on 5th of November 2011

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