
Do you have an input field for the media title in your section? You’ll need one, see the setup instructions on the first page of this thread:

You have to set up two sections:

  • One section with all your media files. You will need an input field and an upload field at least.
  • Another section where you like to insert media from your media center, e. g. your articles or blog section.

I’m not sure why this information is not in the README. I’ll check that.

Do you have an input field for the media title in your section? You’ll need one, see the setup instructions on the first page of this thread:

After adding an text input field for both the media section and the ‘gallery’ section (in my situation), it worked, but only when the input field in the ‘gallery’ section was shown (via checkbox at the top), and was required.

I thought I did this before, but I could just be a little stupid. Thanks for your help!

I still get the error dealing with removing the file though after an upload, but that doesn’t seem related to mediathek.

After adding an text input field for both the media section and the ‘gallery’ section (in my situation), it worked, but only when the input field in the ‘gallery’ section was shown (via checkbox at the top), and was required.

Concerning the Mediathek, an input field is only required in your media section (the one you upload files to). It should be the first field in this section to avoid errors. But there should be no need for this field to be required or visible on the overview page (otherwise it’s a bug).

I thought I did this before, but I could just be a little stupid. Thanks for your help!

You’re welcome.

Regarding the issue with:

14:47:08 > WARNING: 2 - implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in file /symphony/extensions/mediathek/fields/field.mediathek.php on line 278

This warning is because if I’m not filtering a $tag_out (there is no filter like -people or -tags or -whatever), it tries to implode the $tags_out variable that nothing is set to, so I just added the if statement in front of whatever is at line 278

if ($tags_out) $out .= "t" . $count . ".`value` IN ('" . implode("', '", $tags_out) . "') ";

Okay, fine. I’ll fix this on GitHub later - it may take a moment as I’m quite busy at work the next weeks.

This is awesome! At first I didn’t get the idea (Mediathek sounds like Music-indexing to me) but now that I have tried it out… Very good job, Nils!

There is a new version of Mediathek for Symphony 2.0.6 replacing this extension. See

Consider this thread closed.

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