Map Location Field
This is an open discussion with 37 replies, filed under Extensions.
Is this extension still available anywhere - the link in the first post broke with the move to the new community site.
I’ve fixed the link. Apologies. Tomorrow I will be adding more Extensions to the downloads area, this one included.
Is the issue tracker on GitHub the right place to post bugs in this extension or should they be posted here?
Issue tracker is what we are aiming for.
Is it possible to retrieve the value of google maps key which is configured in ‘System -> Preferences’? I would like to use it in templates.
kuba: Does it have to be fetched from the Preferences? If not, you could create a Static XML-Datasource and put it there.
I have created a fork of the extension, porting it to jQuery.
There are still some minor quirks to fix, such as reproducing the original aspect-ratio (originally height = 0.6*width, for now its simply 450px in height).
Additionally, I have introduced new feature: You can now type in any of the usual Google Maps search-strings and hit return. Instead of submitting the form, the extension will try to resolve it and come up with a solution on the map.
Hitting return again will execute a submit, as expected.
Moving the marker will now change the input-value visibly and on the fly as I didn’t like the idea of doing it invisibly, when the form was submitted.
Again, the extension will try to find out the corresponding adress for the location you have chosen, inserting it into the input. If it is too unsure (at least we need to know the streetname) it will stick with the coordinates.
@phoque Maybe I could but I wanted to have everything in one place. It’s easier to maintain.
Your fork looks interesting, I have to check it out! Thanks!
kuba: Don’t worry, I will send a pull request to the owner of the original extension. It will all end up in one place. :-)
I was writing about configuring it in one place :) I don’t bother about branched extensions :)
Hehe, right. Two solutions come to my mind:
- One could create an extension that passes selected config-values as params to your pages (sounds a bit ugly to me but might come in handy)
- The Map Location Field could attach the Google Maps API key as an attribute to all location-elements (as ugly due to duplicate information in the XML)
Oh and a little update on the extension itself: It is now saving Addresses as well as Coordinates, propagating one as value, the other one as an attribute in the XML.
Hi, tried your version of extension and it works great. It would be nice to use existing fields for google maps lookup (i.e. i have city and street and would like to use both while searching for location).
Do you mean on the backend?
By the way: Any help (bugs, ideas, solutions, coding) on how to improve this Extension is welcome: Issue Tracker.
I’ve updated this extension @ my Github fork:
- Uses the new Google Maps API v3 (no more need for API Keys)
- Adds a address lookup field so you can quickly find the address on the map
There occasionally is an issue where upon ‘Lookup’ the marker disappears. I haven’t quite figured out what’s going on here, but zooming in/out fixes it.
@brendo, @phoque, @nickdunn - This extension is wonderful!!!! Is there anyway that one could pull information from another existing field into the Map Location field? For instance, if you already have a field that has address information in it, could one pull that address information in the Map Location field with something like this…
{entry/address}, {entry/city}, {entry/state} {entry/zip-code}
Is something like this possible?
@bzerangue - I don’t know if the Map Location fields supports this, but the Geocoding Field does. It’s a mix between the Reflection Field and the Map Location Field. It doesn’t provide a map in the backend. If you need one you could use the HTML Panel Field or I could update my extension ;-)
Unfortunately the Map Location Field does not support this, and I’m not keen on adding new features to the map field itself.
However we’ve got three distinct geography-based fields:
- Map Location: drag/drop marker on a map
- Address: store an address in a structured way
- Geocoding: geocodes a string (like a Reflection field)
They don’t talk to each other, but each has its own specific uses.
You could implement the map using an Address field to store the address itself, the Geocoding field to perform the geocoding of the location itself, and an HTML Panel field to embed a map pinching the co-ordinate from the Geocoding field.
All the bits are there to plug together :-)
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Latest Symphony (ie. replacement of the old JS library with jQuery) has broken this extension :)