

PAGEALERTNOTICE has changed to Alert::NOTICE in 2.0.1. This pretty much knocks most plugins off line.

PAGEALERTNOTICE has changed to Alert::NOTICE in 2.0.1

Indeed. My bad, I didn't let everyone know. Quick fix is to put the following at line 9 of /lib/toolkit/class.administationpage.php:

const PAGE_ALERT_NOTICE = 'notice';
const PAGE_ALERT_ERROR = 'error';

I will look at adding this in for the sake of compatibility.

@wjnielsen: I've spotted this before on local installs. Best submit this as a bug where it can get its own thread.

Update problems: Getting a "The page you requested does not exist." after entering username and password to log in in backend. Frontend works just fine though.

What to do?

[SOLVED] I restored the wrong .htaccess file...

PAGE_ALERT_NOTICE has changed to Alert::NOTICE in 2.0.1.

Bug Report submitted

Is there a way the documentation might be implemented into some sort of wiki

The previous wiki, which had a lot of content, wasn't a success in my opinion. It was unorganized and difficult to keep up to date as new versions of Symphony came out. The user guide that I'm working on may prove to help overcome this by providing a structure to the documentation, but I still think wiki's are a can of worms.

Once version 1 is completed, it might make sense to form a committee of select individuals who help to keep the document up-to-date going forward. The main reason the documentation was not available upon the release of Symphony 2 is simply because the development of Symphony 2 took an unexpected turn. It's great that everyone got it sooner, but I just haven't had time to keep up with all the changes.

Nonetheless, I'm on it like peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth.

@Lewis: Slideshow Pro has a wiki like what you are suggesting and it works really well. It's clean and organized and only admins can edit it so it stays that way.

I would also suggest making a user editable page or forum thread somewhere that allows us to actively add links to tutorials and info that lives on people's blogs. If one of those tutorials fit the documentation, then we could request to add it to the official wiki.

Maybe we should move the wiki talk to this thread instead?

@Lewis: Thanks again for pulling together the documentation. I agree that wikis can be a mixed bag. Maybe we can have a like Mr. Blank suggested with admins, but have it contain the capability to do user contributed notes (or comments) like

That way... you have the main documentation, and then examples and solutions that people post below the wiki entry.

the v2.0.1 zip still doesn't seem to have either the README or LICENSE files. I'm trying to upgrade from v2beta5 to the latest build.

if i want to upgrade from v2beta2 to the latest version, do I have to go through the upgrade process of each beta version?

You will need to follow the instructions for updating to rev5 from an earlier version (you can find those here). Also, the instructions for rev5 to 2.0

Here is the 2.0 Readme and 2.0.1 Readme.

Hope that helps. I'll make sure the README and LICENCE files are in the 2.0.2 release.

After updating from 2.0.8RC3, I went to change the password and got this error message anytime I tried saving:

Symphony Fatal Database Error

Unknown column ‘language’ in ‘field list’

Did you get to 2.0.8RC3 via upgrade too? Seems like you might have missed an update script along the way.

Did BBQbrains think this was a 2.1.0 thread?

Oops. Moving backwards. Texas heat must be barbecuing my brains. ;)

@czheng: I upgraded from 2.0.7 to 2.0.8RC3 to 2.1.0. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s something unclean about all that.

I’ll start a real 2.1.0 thread.

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