
Well, I didn't really got it working in FirePHP. Don't know how to use FirePHP and didn't understood from their FAQ.

If I load it directly in the browser I get an empty (= void = blank) page.


On NET panel from FireBug there are 0 Requests. This is where I think the headers from FirePhp should appear, if they are sent by the extension.


Hmm, if your browser doesn´t actually make a request to SFC, then I suspect it could be other problems intervening...

FirePHP is an add-on for Firebug which is "invisble" to the user. By installing it, you are enabling your Firebug to receive debug messages from SFC.

What does the browser output when you make a direct request to:


(Could you take a screenshot?)

What does the browser output when you make a direct request to: ...

If I load it directly in the browser I get an empty (= void = blank) page. On Chrome the same result.

P.S. I already installed FirePHP but I didn't really udnerstand how to use it.

On NET panel from FireBug there are 0 Requests. This is where I think the headers from FirePhp should appear, if they are sent by the extension.

Not used this yet, but @vladG and @mqchen, would this not break it?


Can it look for subdirectories after the path is specified?

Oh, and for the RewriteRule, you don't have to escape / slashes in regex, only \ ones.


Not used this yet, but @vladG and @mqchen, would this not break it?

It doesn't. On line 317 from lib/SFcompress.php it concatenates the file with whatever path:

$this->addFile(WORKSPACE . '/' . $this->path . '/'. $file);

It does support sub-directories, so that is probably not it... And since you don´t get a 404 response, it means that the RewriteRule is working.

To view the debug messages you have to click the "console"-tab in Firebug. It looks like this. (EDIT: On an unrelated note, what on earth is that guy who uploaded that image debugging...?)

If that´s not it, maybe a solution would be to gradually append one file at the time to the SFC request, ie. begin with only files=a.css, and see if that works, if it does, add another: files=a.css,b.css, etc.

EDIT: also another thing, during testing try adding: cache=refresh to the request to force SFC to reload the data from the files.

Cool, just brain-dumping (or brain-farting...)

Can I see your whole .htaccess file please? It does seem that the extension isn't even being called when you paste the url in the browser address bar, which is very odd. This makes me think something is very wrong. If you have the Net panel up and open when you paste the url and press enter, does it not do anything at all?



If you have the Net panel up and open when you paste the url and press enter, does it not do anything at all?

The NET panel can be seen in sfc_net_panel.png from attachment. I also attached the .htaccess file.

It does seem that the extension isn't even being called when you paste the url in the browser address bar, which is very odd.

It is called. I dumped data from lib/compress.php with print_r($_GET);die; and some other parts in the lib/SFcompress.php. But still nothing


With this URL


the page is still blank and the console empty.

@designermonkey, @mqchen

Thank you both for your support.

.htaccess and sfc_net_panel.png


So, we know it is being called, and the .htaccess file looks right. I have the same on two other sites and they both run.

The thing is, the Net-tab in Firebug only shows which requests your browser makes to the server. It is most useful when you are viewing an HTML page that uses ajax, links to external css, etc. When you are requesting SFC it doesn't tell you much since SFC only outputs directly to the browser.

Also, since you are (in that screenshot) viewing Net -> HTML it will not show anything because when you are requesting SFC, none of the requests are of the type HTML. If you click Net -> All you´ll probably see one request of 0 bytes (since it seems nothing is returned to the browser).

However, what is useful, is the debugging info. That info (after you have installed FirePHP) is only shown in the Console tab. So could you please click Console -> All and take a screenshot of that?

In addition, could you add an echo "Hello world!"-statement to the bottom of compress.php and see what is outputted. This way we can check if anything within SFCompress.php is causing php to crash.

Added the "Hello world!" statement. In the attachment is the result.



Okay, looks like there might be something wrong with gzip compression. Could you add &outputcompress=0 to disable gzip compression and see if that works?

Same ol' blank / error page (with and without the hello world statement). Nothing changed.

gzip compression = enabled from phpinfo().

By the way, what should I see if I type the URL in the browser?


It should be outputting all of the CSS from all those files... I am starting to run out of ideas... The strangest part is that we don´t get any error messages...

Could you add error_reporting(E_ALL); to the top of the file compress.php?

Could you add error_reporting(E_ALL); to the top of the file compress.php?

Same thing ...

I got news ... On the stage server (other than my localhost), it seems to work fine. I just tested it. Thank you for your support. I have no idea why this doesn't work for me, but ... life is life. If you have any other ideas, please let me know.


My localhost = standard EasyPHP, winXP.


Thats good, and no problem. At least you got it to work on your stage server. I´ll let you know if I notice anything that might have caused it. (Could be PHP on Windows..)

@mqchen, I see there is a PEAR package in the repository for this extension. Being a mega novice with regards to PEAR, what would happen with this extension if PEAR were not installed on the server running it?

I know my localhost doesn't have PEAR installed...

Would this be the cause of @vladG's problems? Just brainstorming again ;o)


The only PEAR package that is used is the HTTP_Request2 which is an excellent package for fetching content from remote servers, and in vladG´s case, it shouldn´t even load since no external files are requested.

I was more certain before I read your comment, but I´m fairly sure that PEAR doesn´t require any installation. It is just a collection of classes organized in packages. (What does require installation is PEAR´s package manager, which by the way, looks really cool...)

Ah, I see... I thought it was the packages too... It is puzzling this problem...

Can anyone confirm that opera doesn't apply compressed and concatenated files? URLs to concatenated stylesheets resolve fine though.

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