

I will make a screenshot of it. Moment



Here the screenshot of the error message.


Oke, I don't know what that is for the moment, but I just realised this is not compatible with 2.2.3. Will update it soon.


The wierdest is that it worked on the old way I did it. But I wil wait till this plugin is updated.



Any news on updating this plugin to 2.2.3 ?


@vladG, have you considered actually extending the SBL class instead of copying the class and using it as a base? There was some significant changes to the internals of the SBL for performance and robustness which this extension is missing.

Check out the development branch, Brendan.



Sorry, didn't have the time to update it, but current project needs to be updated to Symphony 2.2.3 which includes updating this extension as well.


No problem. I wait then a little bit longer.


Selectbox Link Field Combo updated to version 1.1 on 27th of September 2011


Errors fixed in version 1.1. Go download from GitHub.


Now found out how I can update this one. I think git pull will do the job.



Everything works now fine. Thanks for the help.


De rien.


Noticed some strange behavior when trying out this extension. I have 2 sections - a main category and a sub-category. The extension shows results but will only show 3 results maximum in the sub-category. Just wondering if anyone has ever observed this behavior. screenshots attached.

Screen Shot 2012-01-16 at 4.19.45 PM.png and Screen Shot 2012-01-16 at 4.19.30 PM.png

Strange. It never occurred before (and it shouldn't). Do you have a limit of entries to display in Sub-type field settings?

The limit is set to 20. I also have a Multilingual field extension in use for the sub-type section. Do you think that there could be an incompatibility with this extension.

I tried a simple test of creating the new sections without the "Multilingual Field" and everything worked fine.

Here's a sample of the output of the XML with the "multilingual field". Let me know what you think.

Also, one other question - How difficult would it be to get this extension to work with the "select box link plus" extension?


   <pagination total-entries="5" total-pages="1" entries-per-page="20" current-page="1" />
    <section id="2" handle="products">Products</section>
    <manufacturer link-id="17" link-handle="zanotta" value="Zanotta">
      <entry id="18">
        <product-name handle="200-sella">200-Sella</product-name>
       <description mode="normal" word-count="16"><p>Sedile. Sella nera di bicicletta da corsa con asta in acciaio verniciato rosa. Base in ghisa.</p></description>
        <price handle="3000">3000</price>
       <quantity handle="1">1</quantity>
         <item id="25" handle="achille-castiglioni" section-handle="designers" section-name="Designers">Achille Castiglioni</item>
         <item id="19" handle="posti-a-sedere" section-handle="product-types" section-name="Product Types">Posti a sedere</item>
         <item id="30" handle="sedia" section-handle="sub-type" section-name="Sub-Type">Sedia</item>

I was mistaken and the problem is solved. It was the "limit entries" setting that was the problem. I thought that the limit was applied as the maximum entries returned for each sub-type but it seems this setting is based on the sum of all the sub-types (in my case there are about 80). Apologies and thanks for replying so quickly.


I've got the SBLC working fine but I'm getting odd output in the With Selected drop down.

The "Set Site Section" displays as it should but the "Set Article" displays "Array". Any idea why that may be?

Screen Shot 2012-02-29 at 22.45.11.png

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