
I'm not sure what a copy of 1.7.1 will tell you since the structure is different from 2.0.1.

Can you clarify a couple things:

  • Is it that only the media element image element is not displaying?
  • If you type the URL directly into the browser as you would expect to be outputted by XSLT, what is the result?
  • It is possible for you to create an installation online and e-mail login details?

I know the structure of 1.7.1 and 2.0.1 are different but I was assuming the image function would be relatively similar and I wanted to make sure that it was something my local setup could process. I was a bit curious as I was having problems with a Java file on another test site I'm running.

Is it that only the media element image element is not displaying?

It's the only non-text related item currently on the test site. I stopped production when that failed to work.

If you type the URL directly into the browser as you would expect to be outputted by XSLT, what is the result?

Yes, if I type the URL as it should process it shows up just fine. Likewise if I remove the image function from the XSLT the image pops up just fine.

It is possible for you to create an installation online and e-mail login details?

I certainly can. I will e-mail you once it's up and running.

[edit:] Lewis, I've set up the site, you can see it here:

If you send me an e-mail (I'm assuming you have access to my account details here on the forum) I can send you the login details for the guest admin account I've created.

Shoot me an email at markdlewis{{at}}gmail{{dot}}com

@dougoftheabaci: Your url to the image function is slightly off.

This seems to work fine:

Symphony 2's image function uses a different syntax. You have 2 things that's incorrect:

  1. you don't need to reference workspace/, the image function starts from workspace/.
  2. mode 1 does not accept a background colour.

Awesome! Thanks, Allen's fixed my issue. I wasn't aware of the change in image function syntax, or that cropping did not support a background color, though I can see why.

I've edited the XSLT on the page and now every image shows up just how I'd expect it to.

Thanks everyone for your help! It's very much appreciated!

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