
Is this error displayed on the main page or the popup window that opens to verify?

@designermonkey it’s the pop-up window

Cheers, I'm in the office at the moment, so I won't be able to look into this until I get home later, but I'm on it...

great, thanks!

Can you just clarify for me that you've definitely added your consumer key and consumer secret from the Application page at Twitter to the Preferences page in Symphony?

Easiest way to check it's there is to check the config file...

m( Argh, I missed that point … sorry, I didn’t quite follow the instructions properly. Works now!

Thanks for your patience!

But then … Yikes, pressing Create Account renders the following error (screenshot):

Apparently the Account Entry is then created, but all values keep their defaults, apart from the actual Twitter account settings.

Update: Apparently something is going wrong with the user selection. It seems I’m only able to select ONE user. Selecting both of my users (admin & author) renders the attached error.


Sorry for totally spamming this thread … but, here’s yet another question: The entries I’d like to notify via Twitter have a published-checkbox, so that the users can write and rewrite content before actually posting it online. Would it be possible to trigger the notification only when the checkbox »published« is selected and the entry is created or changed and saved?


The authors error is my fault for not trimming the last comma off the string, will get a fix in for this later.

Second: No not at present, as it's a specific requirement. The entries are only fired off to Twitter on create at present, I do want to add the other delegate for edit, but wanted to make sure it all works first.

I have to do some work on error detection to prevent what happened to you first try, but I don't know how to throw exceptions and what code to use to do it the 'Symphony' way. (Help me please someone?)

@ designermonkey Thanks for elaborating! (And thanks again for all your work on this in the first place!) And thanks for your patience with me :)

Twitter Notifier updated to version 1.0.1 on 12th of September 2011

Minor bug fix for multiple authors causing DB error.

Twitter Notifier updated to version 1.0.2 on 13th of September 2011

Minor bug fix release.

Fixed the field parameter value defaulting to $field when no value is required.

Fixed the authors not correctly saving.


Please update the extension by re-enabling it. Then check your database and change the authors column to varchar(250) if it hasn't changed.

@designermonkey Brill!

Hi Guys, trying to set this up on a 2.2 install and i came against the following issue; when I try to connect.

INSERT INTO `sym_authors_twitter_accounts` (`nn Desktop applications only   
support the oauth_callback value 'oob'n /oauth/request_token?

I presume because I am on my local machine so it would have issues to connect? So if I understand correctly I can only do this when connected to my live server due to twitter dependencies/requirements? Note when I try to insert the callback value in the app itself I get error of invalid url... (Assuming because its local)

It looks like your applications settings have switched to being a desktop app instead of an web app. You can change it back on

Cheers Nick,

just to clear it up - Twitter have removed the option to Switch between Browser / Desktop. They instead use the callback url field to identify.

If testing locally just put in a website address whatever it is (this gives a feel of being a web-app) then it doesn't matter if you work on a separate / local domain.

It explains in the readme/wiki for the extension to do that.

Hi John. Am I right in thinking this is not yet 2.3 compatible? Any plans to update it?

I hadn't made any plans, as I thought no one used it. If anyone would like to update it, please feel free.

If anyone would like to update it, please feel free.

If only I were that skilled.

I haven't used it before but have a client request. I might be able to sell them the functionality if you or anyone else wants a paid gig?

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