
If you want the list to be displayed still then that's something altogether more intricate than I've outlined.

How does the page select figure in this setup? Is it another url param?

No not a URL param, just a filter in the DS as way of allowing the videos to be visible to specific pages or not.. Could this be done without a DS filter?

Think of It like a Parent Category that just happens to be a page, I guess.

Hey @designermonkey, resorted to a mix of URL Params and GET in the end.. category as the URL param and GET for the title as the vid is in some categories and not in others.. so it was best to have it optional. Thanks for providing help on possible solutions, nice approach.


But... some videos have no categories and when I click on the link that has a "title/@handle" in the URL, it draws a blank entry as the Category param has no match to the video titles handle. Is there a way to filter the DS in an "Either, OR, or BOTH" URL parameters at all? I kinda need both approaches so having "category/title" as URL params is essential I think.

I'm not sure I totally understand your goal, but I had a similar problem a while ago. page/$category/$item worked for me with a minor compromise of reserving a category like 'all' (not an actual category) to return all items. It's not a term likely to be needed for any other category, so I'm OK with it.

I create urls with a category if provided or with 'all' if not. For example: /videos/kittens/cutest-kitten-ever/ or /videos/all/cutest-kitten-ever/

If $category (required) matches, the ds returns a parameter of item ids, otherwise nothing. I use that to filter for the category's items in a second ds. All items are returned for category 'all' in the second ds since there is no filter. The $item parameter (required) filters for the single item in a third ds. For a default item ($item missing), I had to customize the third ds slightly (in the future it would be good to be able to do this in the admin).

This approach should give you a particular video and a category's videos, even if they aren't related.

My actual url was slightly more complicated, and I've been happy with it so far: folio-type/$tag/$folio-page/$folio/$folio-item

EDIT: It wasn't the third ds that was customized. It was a fourth for returning a default subsection manager item per display order.

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