
Jeez that is cheap. I'm going to get one and compare it with my Linodes for performance.

Great you've got it working on DO! I'm currently using their servers too, and I rather like them thus far.

However, I feel like ES is very RAM hungry, so I went with these guys for the ES hosting: waveride. Even though the clock speeds are much worse than my usual hosts, the fact that I could run 4 replica's (4 cores!) really sped up my queries.

Keep in mind, they are very cheap. So even though they are part of a very respected company, outages might occur more frequent than with a "premium" provider. So if you go this route; plan ahead and don't put all eggs in one basket :)
consider Indexisto - it's free, but with some advertismet in search results (or option to switch to piad plan)

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