
Thanks alot bauhaus, i will go through this and see what I did wrong...

ot at all, I don't know what I did wrong so I must review these steps!

So, if you can see the event XML, it can be viewed with the Debug Devkit extension. Before the form submit button has been clicked, the event will be an empty node. (This is what the event XML would look like for the login event, which has been deprecated, but you get the idea.)

After the submit button has been clicked, you should see the validation errors or the success message. If the event is successful, a new entry will be created in the section. If you also include an event filter, that filter will be triggered. If you want to send a notification email, for example, the email will send successfully or not, depending on whether the conditions are successfully met for the email to send: the Default Email Settings have been saved; the username of the recipient exists; the input fields are correctly configured.

Edit: updated a broken link and added a note about the deprecated Login Info event.

k when I debug, on the right do I have options, do I choose the "xml" or Result or About.xsl. When I look at the "xml" only is showing.

Here is the xml

The Debug Devkit defaults to the XML view. Choose XML if it not already selected.

If you are referring to this code,, as the XML data you see, then you'll notice that the events node on line 28 is empty. The empty events node appears to indicate that you have either not clicked on the submit button, or the event is not correctly attached to the page.

ok I see that. I do see the events now when I hit sumbit on the form with some random stuff nothing populates that node..?

but it does wrk as I see the entered info at the backend...

but it does wrk as I see the entered info at the backend...

So, the event is firing and the entry is being created in the appropriate section? So, are you saying that you are good to go now? Or did you need help with any other issues?

thanks alot first and foremost! It's being created, not sure whey the events not showing in the xml though...

That is strange that the XML is not showing up.

The events will only show in the Debug Devkit XML if the action of the form includes the ?debug query string. If you view the XML after the event has already fired, the $_POST array will no longer exist, since loading the debug page after the fact clears the $_POST array.

Did you try modifying the Symphony configuration file to display the event XML by viewing the HTML source of the resulting page after clicking the submit button?

You'll want to figure out how to do this properly so you can discover how to get the most out of the Symphony event architecture and frontend forms.

I got annoyed with forgetting to put ?debug at the end of my forms (and taking it off when I was done), so instead I put:

<xsl:if test="//cookie-username">
    <xsl:copy-of select="//events"/>

at the end of my templates. That way, those that are logged in automatically get the raw xsl for the events. Doesn't work if you're using ajax, but it shouldn't be hard to append your xml/json responses into it, too.

agreed! I need to learn to do it properly.. I will try the html source thanks Bauhaus!

Thanis sophist, it really helps knowing these things.

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