
Ah, it's not heavily tested yet. And one feature I'm missing is to automatically create relations multiple entries. At the moment it's only possible to create relationships between one parent entry and multiple child entries. But I'd like to have automatic relationships between one of a list of parent entries and multiple child entries.

Yep. I'm using it in a WIP project, updating it when I find something not working.

Same here. I'll fix what I find and send a pull request later. Would you like to takeover the extension completely so I can send you whatever fixes and updates?

But I'd like to have automatic relationships between one of a list of parent entries and multiple child entries.

Well, the original author mentioned it ... Seems 3 years didn't help with a fix :)


You mentioned here that EventEx is somewhat archaic.

Is there a better alternative for multiple sections form submission?

Brendan wrote a nice tutorial on writing a custom event to do this. I say it's archaic because:

  • it's not actively maintained — yourheropaul isn't a Symphony developer these days
  • it was built against Symphony 2.0.3 (ish). I think he had to duplicate some of Symphony's code into the extension, so these chunks would now be out of date
  • I'd love for it to die so I can massively simplify Form Controls :-D

I'd love for it to die so I can massively simplify Form Controls :-D

But didn't you like the naming convention for the form input @names? IMHO following this convention naturally leads to supporting posting to multiple sections. And then we would want to have this supported in Form Controls.

Same here. I'll fix what I find and send a pull request later. Would you like to takeover the extension completely so I can send you whatever fixes and updates?

This depends on how I'll use EventEx during the project. I stared using it mainly for the nice naming convention for the input names. It's a bit like an experiment. I might switch the backend implementation at some stage. So let's see how it goes.

In the end, Symphony makes a lot of things easy when it comes to frontend building. It seems taht multiple sections submit isn't one of them. PHP is required in order to do so (even slight changes).

Ideally, it should have been taken care by the core, but perhaps an extension will have do it.

And then we would want to have this supported in Form Controls

Yes, sure. I wrote Form Controls about four years ago, so it's a burden to return to something that I can't really remember what it does.

Yes, sure. I wrote Form Controls about four years ago, so it's a burden to return to something that I can't really remember what it does.

Yep. It's a beast. I started customising form controls for different projects here and there, getting used to the internals step by step. I'm happy dive more into the inner workings apply the knowledge sometime somewhere. (There might come the time when Symphony uses XSL to build its backend.)

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