
I’m not sure why something like this is hard to do. Why can’t we simply have a field where the user defines how many fields? A perfect example is the Meta Keys extension and the attachments field right below the comment box in this forum. For every field the user adds, you could add a user defined suffix to the end.

Am I missing something here?

I’m not sure why something like this is hard to do. Why can’t we simply have a field where the user defines how many fields?

You’d be surprised! It’s not an easy thing to build. Remember a field can be anything. One person might want a repeatable text field. Another might want checkboxes. Another might want a repeatable Map Location Field (a Google Map). So it has to be generic.

Subsection Manager achieves this — have you tried it?

@Nills - is there anyway you can describe it quickly (what file etc.), maybe one of the developers where I work could have a go at it, save you the work!

You’d need an extra setting in the field preferences and you’d have to adjust __filterEntries to only allow entries that are attached to the current entry.

Any PHP guru’s here willing to try that with Subsection Manager? I think this then would emulate repeatable fields really well with SSM only displaying the current sections items.

I think I’ve mentioned this in the past, but I got around this problem simply by removing the search functionality from SSM altogether.

Aha! I see there is an option for that when creating the SSM field to disable the search, this works well as a quick fix, and works fantastically well as a repeatable fields alternate this way!

I just added the Subsection Manager to replace the Select Box Link on my portfolio site and WOW! It makes managing section links so much easier. Even the datasource XML is easier to pull and use.

It’s a killer extension. Should be a bundled extension with the core. Thanks, Nils!

Right, Nick, that was the clever trick I forgot. Good to be surprised by my own extension :) Actually, there are a few settings for the SSM where I really thought “Who the hell is going to use this?” — disabling search was one of that preferences. But Symphony teached me one thing: really do expect the unexpected.

@Josh: Thanks!

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