
Fixed. MT support just went to the page and filled in the credentials and it worked. No clue what has happened, slightly annoyed cos it’s twice now, and I don’t know why it happens.

Using Safari if that helps.

this may be a more general install issue, but I’m working on a (mt) dv server.

I’ve been installing symphony on this server a few times and each time it has been successful aside from this one domain. when i put in all the credentials on the install page, i am hit with an error page with a link to my log files. in the resulting log files, i get this:

2010/05/22 12:34:54 > NOTICE: MYSQL: Establishing Connection…Done
2010/05/22 12:34:54 > NOTICE: MYSQL: Selecting Database ‘sym_…Done
2010/05/22 12:34:54 > NOTICE: MYSQL: Importing Table Schema…Done
2010/05/22 12:34:54 > NOTICE: MYSQL: Creating Default Author…Done
2010/05/22 12:34:54 > NOTICE: WRITING: Creating ‘manifest’ folder (/manifest)
2010/05/22 12:34:54 > NOTICE: WRITING: Creating ‘logs’ folder (/manifest/logs)
2010/05/22 12:34:54 > ERROR: ERROR: Creation of ‘logs’ folder failed.
2010/05/22 12:34:54 > ERROR: Could not create ‘logs’ directory. Check permission on /manifest.

has anyone seen this type of error before? Like i said, i’ve installed a few builds on this box already and each time it has gone through except for this one. any help is much appreciated.

Check the permissions on the manifest folder would be my guess. Is this a fresh install or an update? If a fresh install, what did you set the folder permissions as?

it’s a fresh install. the manifest directory is written on the fly which should have write permissions at run time. this is about the fourth or fifth fresh install i’ve done on this box and this is the first one that has given me trouble.

since this domain name is under a different user could it be that when i install via a browser, that user can’t write to the server?

That’s getting a bit out of my area… But I would imagine that if you tried to run a script as one user inside the folder of another user where you didn’t have full permissions you could easily get an error stating that.

Do you have access to that user’s account? You might want to retry the install from theirs.

what’s weird is that i was looking at the other places i’ve installed this, and it seems like the users groups and owners is structured in the same way, just with different user names. so i’m not sure why this is happening for this particular domain.

not sure what the problem was, but i just deleted the domain and started from scratch which did the trick

Right, I am getting the same error with the Database, saying it can’t connect to the database - it’s set up fine, same as all the other times, but it’s not connecting. 100% guaranteed I go to the support and he will add it with no issues.

I have no idea what is going!

Safari - it won’t install on Safari - jumped onto Firefox and straight away.

This is a problem no?

Not sure why Safari would be an issue… I installed with Media Temple using Chrome (same rendering engine, different JS engine) and the only issue I had was moving the .htaccess for PHP5 to a different directory.

Ok, just attempted to install again on Safari, and same issue. Went to Firefox, and no issues.

Nobody else get this issue?

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