
Map Location Field v3 updated to version 3.2.2 on 16th of August 2011

Contains bug fixes from brendo and Lewis. Cheers.

Hi Nick,

I am trying to use the Map Location Extension and I hit a stumbling block quite early on. After installing, I tried to add the api key but there was no field for me to add it in. Not sure if the tutorial you have written is for an older version of the extension but is I can seem to find out where I add the api key. Any help would be great



It's for the older version, Google no longer requires private API keys anymore ;o)

@RichieMerchant I think the reason why you’re not able to find the API key field it’s due to the fact that the last version of the Map Location Field is based on the Google Maps API V3, which doesn’t rely on an API key anymore, therefore the API key field was suppressed. I think Nick’s tutorial has not been updated yet.

@theBigMandarino, @designermonkey Thanks guys. That stumped me for a while. :-/

When I get a minute, I'll update it and poke @nickdunn with a big stick to pull it in ;o)

This is really odd. I don't know what is happening here. I updated from 3.1.1 to 3.2.3.

When I pulled up my locator page. I get the following error.

Fatal error: Class 'extension_maplocationfield' not found in /Sites/sitename/public/extensions/maplocationfield/fields/field.maplocation.php on line 302

I noticed when I remove the Map Location Field filter, I don't get the error. I deleted the Data Source altogether, and then rebuilt it, added the Map Location Field Datasource Filter and that error popped up again.

Here's the filter that I have... in the Value field... within {$url-range} miles of {$url-zipcode}

I didn't change a thing. I look at the code matches exactly what is on Github.

Actually, if you look at the fields/field.maplocation.php file on line 230, it refers to the Class extension_maplocationfield, but then it trips up on line 302. I commented out line 302, and then I don't get a fatal error... but I do get a MySQL error in the debug.

It doesn't make sense at all (or I can't make sense of it). Can you help me with this?

FYI: I posted a Github issue about this.

I think this has something to do with a Symphony change a while back with lazy loading extensions. If you include the extension driver at the top of the field it should fix this.

require_once(EXTENSIONS . '/maplocationfield/extension.driver.php');

@nickdunn - Thanks! That fixed it.

Wish I had looked here first instead of GitHub! (Any chance you could update this, Nick? I submitted a pull request too for the hell of it.)

I realize this is probably a lot to ask, but is it possible to get the XML returned from this extension to include more than just the lat/long? Human-readable data, such as the address, city, state, and zipcode?

I realize you can get this information with the reverse geocoding with the API, but it's against Googles policy to use the information unless it's on a map. I simply want to display only the city name when listing out my entries, and a map once an entry is clicked on to detail view.

Is that going to be out of the question as far as this extension goes?

I squished this together with another to create the Address Location Field which you can use to geocode addresses, even partially.

I don't know if it would be exactly what you want, but take a look.

Awesome, looks like you can still do within x y of z filtering, which is perfect for my needs. Thanks!

Great field, I'm trying to build something with this right now. All of the sudden I get:

    <section id="13" handle="theaters">Theaters</section>
    <error>No records found.</error>

But is was working all the time, same params, same everything... ?

After some debugging this is the response I get from google maps. (field.maplocation.php line 70): stdClass Object ( [results] => Array ( ) [status] => OVERQUERYLIMIT ) ..? It's not that I've been using this a lot....

Hi Nick,

I love your plugin and it almost perfectly fits my needs. Just one thing: Is there any reason why it isn't possible to get the location data as output parameters in a data source as well? I would love to have that option as well. :)


For that you would need my Address Location Field. Basically the same, but can output the address you entered, plus the location info.

I don't see the option in your plugin neither. I would like to get latitude and longitude like this:

  • $ds-entry.latitude
  • $ds-entry.longitude
  • $ds-entry.zoom
  • ...

Ah, yeah, I see what you mean now. Misread you.

i've got a site that's been running smoothly for a while, but randomly today my data source that filters on map location field always returns empty results, and i can't find any errors anywhere. where should i start looking?

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