
Yep, some minor changes have been made. I haven’t found the time to go in and switch everything around again based on the feedback everyone has given. I’m hoping to find some time for that on Wednesday.

Editor does not show up inside Subsection Manager. Not a big issue, but still… Maybe You could check this out, if You have some spare time.

Sorry for repetition, if any.

Doesn't work in Symphony 2.2 (fresh install). Throws an error upon folder copy to extensions :-(

It would be helpful to know what error.

Here it is. Kinda mess with 'case-sensitivity'. I've changed all the title entries inside extension.driver.php and renamed the extension directory from Symphony-WMD-Editor to just wmdeditor. Now it works as expected.


Yes, the naming of the repository is a bit unfortunate...

For those of you who haven't guessed, this extension is no longer under development, active or otherwise. Mostly, it's a lack of drive on my part but a piece of it is that there are some issues with WMD and how it works in certain browsers.

This extension started as my own search for a solution for Symphony and to that end it's served it's purpose. However, I no longer use it so my drive to maintain it pretty much disappeared.

If anyone is interested in taking it over, I'm not going to close the repository for now so you can clone it and use it as you please. I'm also keeping it open in case someone has a need for it down the road. It's no trouble for me to keep it open on GitHup anyway.

For all of you still interessed by this plugin @bzerangue has a working version for Symphony 2.2

@bzerangue, will you be releasing this formally?

I got it to work, but was confused with the blockquote error in web kit browsers. I moved the repo to the Symphonists library so this could be expanded further.

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