
On line 34?

If it works you've got it right ;)

Well, I did not get it to work. Also, comparing to the other extensions, a closing ?> seems to be missing. But adding one didn't help either.

When making a clean install, with the workspace folder, the extension is enabled.

That will be due to the installer pre-populating the database. This only happens when you install with the workspace.

If putting in a return true;, like Rowan suggested, didn't work, then it must be something else. I will do some testing.

Also, comparing to the other extensions, a closing ?> seems to be missing.

Leaving off a closing PHP tag (?>) is good practice. Symphony doesn't use embedded PHP + HTML to render pages, but rather a fully OOP approach. The problem with a closing PHP tag is that any whitespace after it will be interpreted as output and interrupts sending of headers and creation of sessions.

I just re-read Rowans suggestion. Should "return true;" be added at the very end of the extension.driver.php, or at the end of the install function? The install function already has a return statement?

At the end of the install function.

It doesn't make any difference. And how a function have dual return statements?

@michael-e, I think this is a bug. Until last month you couldn't actually use the value of a Section Link (original field type) as an output parameter! Perhaps this same limitation was carried through to the Select Box Link field.

In addition to this, I was wondering whether there could be the option to 'disable' the select box. On occasions where clients are using sections, I would like to disable the drop down and provide the hyperlink through to the filtered section page instead. Would this requirement warrant merging into the core functionality?

I can't see any differences between the extension shipped with 2.0 stable and the one available at github. Could there be a local problem at my side that prevent Symphony from enabling the extension?

Solved. The problem was infact local. There was some leftovers in the database from a unsuccessful activation of the extension. Removing the table associated with the extension helped.

What about the filter issues michael-e had run into? Are they bugs?

To me it is a bug, But nickdunn's patch works smoothly. So I think I will post this on the bug tracker.

EDIT: bug reported

I've posted v1.4 on Git which fixes a few bugs Nick kindly reported.

Alistair, I am afraid the second half of the bug ist still alive and well:

i just did a fresh install of 2.0.1 with the v1.5 select box link, and the Categories aren't showing up in the articles. Also, when I went to modify the Articles Section and under the Select Box Link option, I tried selecting the Categories Title to populate the drop down. However, when I tried saving the Section, the Categories Title becomes unselected.

Has anyone run into this issue and knows how to fix it? It's on a Media Temple GS setup.

It also seems that the styling is different, are these issues related?


Select Box Link is now up to v1.8 which fixed the bugs you're seeing. I don't know whether you need the "integration" branch (latest) of Symphony itself, or whether v1.8 will work with Symphony 2.0.1. The only way is to try it :-)

Back up v1.5 by moving the folder somewhere else entirely. Drop in v1.8 and Enable it again from the Extensions page.

What are the styling issues out of interest?

Thanks, nick. v1.8 seems to work fine with symphony v2.0.1.

I brought up the styling issue b/c on the local install i have it looks different (see attached).


I just updated a symphony-site from 2.0 to 2.1 and included a select-box-link-upgrade from 1.1 to 1.8

After that I noticed that all associated-counters in my xml had turned to "0" everywhere (like <entry id="13" comments="0">) while every link in the adminarea shows the right amount of associated items.

I tried resaving some associated entries but that didn't help anything... so I moved back to SBF-1.5... didn't help either... moving back to SBF-1.1 seems to solve the problem, but as 1.5 is shipped with the official 2.0.1-Release I'm a little irritated about neither getting 1.5 nor 1.8 to work properly.

Is anybody else having trouble with that or did I simply mess something up while updating?

Roman, I shared your irritation with Symphony 2.0.1. I do believe these issues are resolved. Symphony 2.0.2 which is due for imminent release, and should be bundled with SBL 1.8. I suggest you give it another go when 2.0.2 is out.

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