
That works perfectly now. Thanks Giel.

Is there any way I can use this in conjunction with the urltopdf extension?

I've managed to create a PDF out of a Symphony page using urltopdf, but ideally I'd like it to download instead of displaying in the browser.

The URL at which my PDF is ultimately generated looks like this:,0,69,22,26,/ (where the last URL segment is a list of entry IDs used to filter the result).

If I add ?download=pdftitle.pdf to the end, the page just reloads (nothing downloads).

Any ideas?

Update: I found a parameter within the library that @creativedutchmen's fork of urltopdf uses (mPDF) that forces download: $mpdf->Output('MyPDF.pdf', 'D');

Is there anyway to further protect files by adding conditions in the page xsl? I only want to allow users that are logged in (members extension) to be able to download. Thanks!

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