
A new Extension, "Author Roles" is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

Sweet :D

This is awesome! You're more than a role model. You're my hero.

Fantastic! Wow!

Nice work Giel, thanks :)

this is incredible!

This is my little gift to all of you who made Symphony to what it is today. Keep up the good work guys!

This will certainly come in handy. Thanks!

Absolutely brilliant!!! Wonderful extension!

Excellent work!

Here's an idea for an a new feature that would really suit this extension, and I could see becoming useful for the Dashboard as well:

The ability to allow actions of Role 'x' to notify Role 'y'.

This opens up a whole new range of possibilities, such as:

  • Ability to email Role 'y' that Role 'x' (or Author) has created a new Entry
  • Ability for Role 'x''s entry to be placed into a 'unpublished' state until Role 'y' can update the field
  • Ability for a Dashboard extension to notify Role 'y' that this activity has occurred by Author
  • Ability to place the desired action in a queue for Role 'y' to confirm after Role 'x' has requested it

This would be a killer addition and I know would help us at work pitch for government tenders that rely on this traffic light style publishing workflow.

@brendo: I do like the new range of possibilities you lay out here. Only I don't have the time nor a client who requires this functionality right now, so I can't put them in right now.

So my answer is FFTF (Feel Free To Fork) :-) After all, that's how open source works... ;-)

I can see a lot of users not wanting the notifications system, and I can also see the notifications system needing to be slightly different on a per-project basis. So I'd suggest this is a separate extension that depends on Roles being installed (or some kind of moderation queue extension that can optionally working with Roles). Brendan, if you want to chat this over with me I'd be glad to — I tried building this into the now-dead Entry Revisions (then Entry Versioning) extension (which is now simplified to the released Entry Versions). I had the workflow logic working, but there was no role management to plug it in to at the time.

I definitely like to keep this extension as simple as possible, I was thinking that a few delegates could be provided by role model, and then another extension would listen to the entry creation delegate and check the role model for information about this user. @nick, sure, i might catch you on ichat tomorrow

great work, kanduvisla. This is leaps and bounds above Author Section (though that was a useful extension). One suggestion for the UI - when creating a new role, have the ability to click a link that says "add another role" instead of needing to go back to the Roles page.

Absolutely brilliant! I'll be incorporating this into a current project and my next one. Thank you!

@kanduvisla: Now that Members is coming closer, I have a "feature request".

Because Members adds a Member Roles item to the System navigation tab, it would be great if your extension would add Author Roles (instead of just Roles). This is how it looks at the moment:

System Menu

(One might even think about renaming the extension to "Author Role Model" or simply "Author Roles".)

Bildschirmfoto 2011-03-17 um 09.54.58.png

(One might even think about renaming the extension to "Author Role Model" or simply "Author Roles".)

Why not rename it "Author Roles" or just "Authors" (in reference to "Members")?

Author Roles makes the most sense to me.

Author Roles makes the most sense to me.



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