
is this a bug or backend view dont support other fields ?

Both :) I didn't consider cases when fields have formatting modes. Next version of Backend Views will hopefully fix that. Thanks for reporting!

Out of curiosity: do you guys have any suggestions to improve this extension? Any feature requests or feedback? As always, comments are appreciated. ;)

@quer: can you please check if the last commit solves your issue?

@quer: can you please check if the last commit solves your issue?

works fine, thx !

Out of curiosity: do you guys have any suggestions to improve this extension? Any feature requests or feedback? As always, comments are appreciated. ;)

I wish something like virtual sections,

If i have a section "articles" and i make a new "ds" and select just the meta data fields from my articles section: Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords

Then "backend views" displays just this fields but if I want edit a entry "backend Views" redirect me to the original entry an i see all the fields from the articles section: title, body etc…

That was awesome when "backend views" show me the entry details with just the "meta data" fields

I hope you know what I mean, excuse my bad english :)

basically, a quick entry editor?

@fawx yes something like this :)

@eKoeS - Will you be updating this extension for Symphony 2.3?

I was trying to update it, but I kept running into trouble (since I'm horrible with PHP).

In lines 12-14 of content/content.view.php, I know to update from this…

public function __construct(&$parent){

to this…

public function __construct(){

Then I get the following error…

Symphony Recoverable Error: Argument 1 passed to AdministrationPage::insertAction() must be an instance of XMLElement, string given, called in /Users/bmz/Sites/public_html/ on line 203 and defined

An error occurred in /Users/bmz/Sites/public_html/ around line 224
219          * @param boolean $append
220          * If true, this will add the `$action` after existing actions, otherwise
221          * it will be added before existing actions. By default this is `true`,
222          * which will add the `$action` after current actions.
223          */
224         public function insertAction(XMLElement $action, $append = true) {
225             $actions = $this->Context->getChildrenByName('ul');
227             // Actions haven't be added yet, create the element
228             if(empty($actions)) {


It looks like there is a problem around line 49 of content/content.view.php file.

Per the article, Updating Extensions for Symphony 2.3, I know that some of this code is not Symphony 2.3 ready and needs to be adjusted. But, I've tried all different things and I keep running into errors.

For instance in lines 26-27 of content/content.view.php has old code in it…

$datasources = new DatasourceManager(Administration::instance());
$datasource = self::getDSNameFromHandle($this->_context[0], $datasources->listAll());

I get confused and don't know what to do. I tried doing this, but I still get an error…

$context = $this->getContext();
$datasources = DatasourceManager::listAll();
$datasource = self::getDSNameFromHandle($context[0], $datasources);

I'm lost here. Could some one give me some pointers?


Yeah there are a couple of other minor changes that you need to do which are not covered in the article.

I will release a small compatibility update by the end of the day.

Backend Views updated to version 0.1.2 on 8th of October 2012

Symphony 2.3 compatibility

Out of curiosity: do you guys have any suggestions to improve this extension? Any feature requests or feedback? As always, comments are appreciated. ;)

Hi eKoeS. This is great.

Once main request would be the ability have each view go into a specific Navigation Group instead of in the Views section on the right hand side. I think this would be really powerful.

Do you have a rough idea how feasible this would be?

Thanks, Ross

Ok... think I might be about 90% there with it.

Hi eKoeS,

I have push it to github and made a PR.
This is how the preferences now look:

alt text

It will break compatibility as there is more information being stored.
Also I am still storing the data the config by serialising and unserialising the data. It's not glamourous as an approach but I have wrapped them into two functions saveAllViewSettings and loadAllViewSettings should this need to be improved.

Great if you want to integrate this. Let me know if you would like any changes.

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