
Yeah, WebKit browsers aren't very good for debugging. I'm looking forward to the day when someone figures out a way to use Firebug on every browser (I don't count Firebug Lite as it's not feature perfect).

michael-e, thanks! Vacations were great - Japan is incredible, now i dream about going there again :D.

dougoftheabaci I just pushed fix to the master branch on GitHub. Did You change name of variable in every place, or just that one line? Because, after changing it everywhere, script is working ok here (at least in Epiphany :).

I’m stumped… get this on the frontend blog page:

Fatal error: Class 'Administration' not found in /web/public/extensions/markitup/extension.driver.php on line 118

Wow weird. It doesn’t even have any frontend delegates.

Wow weird. It doesn’t even have any frontend delegates.

Tell me about it!

Okay, I figured it out. You need to include the following at the beginning:

require_once(CORE . '/class.administration.php');

I think it results because it is initiated as a static class and while the class is included on the administration pages, it is not included on the front-end. Problem solved.

Does anyone know how to go about setting up the links in markitUp! as reference style links like the WMD Editor does in this forum?

I’m having trouble getting this to work properly on Symphony 2.06. I don’t get a generated error, but it doesn’t seem to apply the javascript to every section that calls markdown. Has anyone else experienced this?

I’ve applied this Markdown Text Formatter to at least four sections, and this extension is supposed to add the MarkitUp editor to those fields… on only one section does the editor show… on that section, here’s the javascript and css links that are being generated on in the <head> of the admin source…

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/manifest/cache/markitup_590fc197fe73db0aa2ec03687a372eea.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="http://localhost/manifest/cache/markitup_590fc197fe73db0aa2ec03687a372eea.css">

EDIT: OK. I uninstalled the extension and then re-enabled it, and it started working again.

Given my current track record I think I should ask here before I submit a but report.

I’m not seeing the editor in any field in 2.0.7, does anyone have it working and if so how?

Diagnosed and a Symphony bug raised #202.

When markItUp is installed it creates temporary JS/CSS files in the /manifest/cache directory which are then appended to the <head> in the backend. 2.0.7 added an .htaccess file to the /manifest directory that blocks the serving of files via HTTP (presumably to tighten security).

The resolution is to either:

  • change markItUp! to not store these files in the /manifest/cache (although this seems like the obvious place for them to go)
  • modify the deny rule to allow serving of files from the cache

Since 2.0.7 is now considered beta, I’ve opened this as a bug and hopefully it can be fixed for the stable release.

Does MArkitup need markdown enabled or is it a replacement for it?

Can’t seem to see the icon bar on any install of 2.0.7 or 2.0.8RC2 from where I am!

what’s peoples thoughts on this being a bug or am I just stupid.. later come sto mind :)

moonoo2: let Markdown and SmartyPants Text Formatter enabled and disable any other WYSIWYG extension, install markItUp! extension and all your textarea field that has text formatter will be displayed with markItUp! interface. If you add a textarea field with text formatter to any section, do you have to uninstall and reinstall the extension again to apply markitup to this new field. Good luck ;-)!

I can’t seem to get it to work on this install at all! in fact, the only WYSIWYG that managed to work was TinyMCE and I don’t want that one, cos it’s a messy affair for clients to potentially muck up the markup.

What version of Symphony do you have it working on?

I have markItUp! extension working in sym 2.0.6, 2.0.7 and 2.0.8 always use this extension for text formatter fields.

I’m not even seeing it in the drop down option to select it in the textarea wysiwyg selection. hmmm any ideas? this is a 2.0.8RC3 install locally.

MarkItUp isn’t a new Text Formatter, so use Markdown as usual. Instead MarkItUp should apply itself to any textareas that have Markdown selected. In a way it’s a UI layer that sits on top of a text formatter.

Hi Nick,

Yes that’s what I have done.. markdown is selected in the textarea option for wysiwyg in section.. It’s on a local install to test out and looking at the js for the head section in firebug, I see this line next to the js and css for markitup:

Failed to load source for: http://localhost/manifest/cache/markitup_c0cb5f0fcf239ab3d9c1fcd31fff1efc.js Failed to load source for: http://localhost/manifest/cache/markitup_c0cb5f0fcf239ab3d9c1fcd31fff1efc.css

And I noticed above you submitted a bug for 2.0.7, I’m running 2.0.8RC3 so wondered if that bug had been overcome by this RC release or not?

I see no .htaccess file in my manifest/cache directory so assumed it wasn’t needed or wasn’t the case anymore.

This extension won’t work with 2.0.8 as the text formatter names/labels have changed since 2.0.7.

Please see this thread for how I fixed another extension with the same problems. I don’t know how to do it for this extension however as you use tables etc…

Ah I see :) ok cool, looking into the thread!

No probs…

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