
Cheers for clarifying. Bi-Link has a future still, so I'm glad :-)

Huzzahs all round.

Bi-Link Field updated to version 1.1.1 on 11th of April 2011


  • Force tables to be created with the MyISAM table engine.

Bi-Link is really good stuff, cheers!

My Bi-Link Field 1.1.1 on Symphony 2.2.3 links to a Section with 622 Entries. However, when I create an entry in the other Section, only the first 50 Entries are displayed. Bug or feature? :)

Isn't it limited in Field settings?

@vladG Hmn, I only found the $limit = 50 setting hardcoded in the field.bilink.php

I’ve changed that, and now it works fine. I couldn’t find this as a setting in the field options though. Still thanks! :)

No problem. Perhaps you want to fork the extension, add this as a setting in Field settings and pull request to owner? ;;)

@vladG good idea :) unfortunately this exceeds my current skills

The problem with increasing this is the potential for severe performance issues as the section size grows.

What it really needs is a better interface that lets you search for the entry you want. I just don't have time to do this.

Hi there, I've been following along with the tutorial that comes bundled with the extension but I just can't make the final part work.

I have an event that contains a select box for that relates to the bi-link field.

The event saves successfully but when I look in the back end no matter what I do the correct entry in the bi-link field is not selected.

What do I need to make the value attribute of the select field in order to make it actually select a linked entry in the back end.

At the moment I'm just using the exact same text as appears in the the bi-link field box in the back end.

When I save and event I get this...

<message>Entry created successfully.</message>
    <name>David Hugo</name>
   <tech-help-contacts>Pedestrian Crossings and Railway Crossings</tech-help-contacts>
   <question>Nice one</question>

It saves the event but the 'tech-help-contacts' (which is the bi-link field) doesn't select the entry labelled 'Pedestrian Crossings and Railway Crossings' bi-link field in the back end?

I"ve also tried using the 'handle' attribute that doesn't help either...

Any ideas?


It has to be the ID of the 'Pedestrian Crossings and Railway Crossings' entry.

Ah! Randomly late last night I had that same thought and tried that... and yep working fine now. Phew.


Edit: before reading this post, see the next one! :S

Most importantly, when you create a new entry in section A and link it to entries in section B, those entries in section B will be told that they link to the entry in section A. Not something you can do with a normal link.

I have Products and Instances sections (a product has one or many instances via the Bi-Link field), and I want to list Instances and display their "parent" products.


Instance B2.177 (belongs to Product B2)
Instance B2.22  (belongs to Product B2)

I have an Instances data source with its Bi-Link field as the parameter output ($ds-instances), and a Products by Instances data source which filters System ID by $ds-instances. This successfully limits the Products in the XML to only those relevant to the Instances.

I believe I need to join/match and filter the right Products to the right Instances because this page shows more than just one Instance. However, I can't see any IDs in the XML output that allow me to do this.

I have all three Bi-Link elements selected in both data sources' XML output options (count, items and entries).

Am I doing something wrong, or is this not the right approach? I'm doing it this way because we will eventually have orders from customers that list Instances, and we will want to display which Products they're from.

In the example below, I've limited it to two Instances that both belong to the same Product to keep it as clear as possible.

Parameter output XML from Instances data source:

    <item handle="68">68</item>
    <item handle="68">68</item>

Output XML from Instances data source:

    <section id="2" handle="instances">Instances</section>
    <entry id="73">
        <code handle="b2177">B2.177</code>
        <products-bi mode="instances" entries="1" />
    <entry id="75">
        <code handle="b222">B2.22</code>
        <products-bi mode="instances" entries="1" />

Output XML from Products by Instances data source:

    <section id="1" handle="products">Products</section>
    <entry id="68">
        <instances-bi mode="products-by-instances" entries="2" />
        <name handle="b2">B2</name>

How would I/the page know to put Product 68 against Instances 73 and 75?

I think I've now achieved what I was after using the Select Box Link (Plus) field, as that version of the Products by Instances data source outputs the Instances within each Product entry.

I was trying the Bi-Link field as I thought this may make it easier to look up associated entries in both/either directions for a few different sections in this project, but perhaps I've misunderstood the aims of this extension?

Would anyone else need this for 2.3?

Apparently not … will replace it on my projects. :)

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