
I have some errors whith this extension. Could you explain me what params i should write in Page, and DataSource

I have 1 page /something/new/

there is a form with dynamic event redirect

<input type="hidden" name="category-handle-url" value="houses"/>
<input type="hidden" name="der-url-params" value="category-handle-url/id"/>
<input type="hidden" name="der-get-params" value="debug"/>
<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="{$root}/account/offers/edit/"/> 

I want to redirect to /something/edit/{$category-handle-url}/{$entry-id}

My Edit page has following param name in URL Params category-handle-url/entry-id

my DataSource has Filter params for System_ID * {$entry-id} *

when i try to create valid entry - nothing in params appears


when i try to create none valid entry (entry with empty field for validation) the same error appear.

array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object
        /Users/********/www/extensions/dynamic_event_redirect/extension.driver.php line 133

        128                 if(isset($context) && $key == 'id')
        129                 {
        130                     $data['id'] = $context['entry']->get('id');
        131                 }
        132                 # If there's a match in the fields[]
        133                 else if(array_key_exists($key, $context['fields']))
        134                 {
        135                     $data[] = $context['fields'][$key];
        136                 }
        137                 # Otherwise check $_POST

What i doing wrong?

could anybody help me with this bug? Symphony ver. 2.1.2, extensions DER version - last in git hub repo


I solve this problem: Problem was in role permissions in Frontend Membership extensions. My Event was denied from all users. If anybody has this problem with fields error - let`s check their frontend users permissions.

I think this extension must be included in symphony core when creating Entries. Good luck!

For some reason the automated message didn't work, but nonetheless:

Dynamic Event Redirect updated to version 1.0.2 on 1st of March 2011

when i try to create none valid entry (entry with empty field for validation) the same error appear.

Fixes this issue.


Does the Dynamic event redirect still have issues with 'allow multiple' option in events? I have been trying to use it and get some invalid additional records added. Any solution for this?

Does the Dynamic event redirect still have issues with 'allow multiple' option in events?

It does. Using Allow multiple doesn't work at all.

If I use both Send Email and Dynamic Event Redirect filters, the DER doesn't receive the form fields' values. Without Send Email it works fine. Is there any workaround for this?

I solved the problem by editing file event.section.php.
There is a code there that handles Send Email filter (lines 138 - 221). In this code there is a reassignment of the input parameter $fields. It replaces the original value with only send-email fields, then goes on to send the mail.
So if this code worked, after it the $fields value contains only send-email fields instead of all POST data. I fixed it by using a local variable $email_fields in this part of the code. My knowledge of Symphony internals is very weak so I would appreciate any comment to make sure I didn't do anything wrong.

@netalf: Sounds like a bug in the Send Email filter to me — the original array should make it through to the delegates. Want to file it on the Symphony issue tracker?

@Makenosound can you please please add must add event to your page to your read-me? Ijust spent about 40 minutes testing and testing and finally figured it out..

Why doesn't this work ??

<input type="hidden" name="der-url-params" value="id" />
<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="{$root}/tip/new/" />

From the Readme:


Adds an event and an event filter that allows you to build up a combination of both URL and GET parameters from POST data to append to your form redirects.


Standlone Event

  1. Attach the 'Dynamic Event Redirection' event to your desired page.
  2. Add any combination of the options listed below:

Event Filter

  1. Attach the 'Dynamic Event Redirection' filter to your desired event.
  2. Add any combination of the options listed below:

Well golly, how'd i miss that ! :P

still tho, why doesn't this work ?

<input type="hidden" name="der-url-params" value="id" />
<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="{$root}/tip/new/" />

Okay, I finally figure it out, and this isnt in the documentation, use EITHER Standlone Event or Event Filter if you use them both it fails :(

Is this not going to be updated for 2.3? I get the following error on any page with the event:

Fatal error: Call to a member function create() on a non-object in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/housex/extensions/dynamic_event_redirect/events/event.dynamic_event_redirect.php on line 20

Edit: Nevermind. I think I can achieve what I want with Sections Event

This extension has moved to the Symphonists group on github.

I am in the process of removing that old code:

If you look in the /events/event.dynamic_event_redirect.php file and replace:

public function __construct(&$parent) { parent::__construct($parent); $this->_driver = $this->_Parent->ExtensionManager->create('dynamic_event_redirect'); }

with public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->_driver = new ExtensionManager('dynamic_event_redirect'); }

The extension should work for you. Further testing is needed though.

Does anyone knows if the the possibility of passing an #anchor in as well has ever been implemented? If so, how would it work?

Thank you!

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